Chapter 5. Talbot

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I hope you all enjoy it. I've been updating more than I thought I would. I think I got a little carried away, and made it too long, hahaha.



"So before we can go see Talbot, we'll first need to get you some clothes."

"Yeah, we can't have you walking around like that." Lampo said.

They all looked at each other, and once again they were almost all dressed the same. Except for Hibari who refused to change out of his uniform.

"Why do we need new clothes these are fine." Yamamoto said.

G sighed, "The problem is that the clothes are all to big on you. We might as well make your stay here comfortable."

They all looked at themselves, and true the clothes were kind of big on them. Especially on Tsuna, Enma, Lambo, and Chrome they were practically swimming in them since they were so short, (Shorter than the rest of the tenth generation.)

"Kufufu, of course. I can't have my dear Chrome feel exposed."

"Tch, how overprotective can he get. Stupid pineapple." Gokudera muttered.

"Kufufu, I heard you puppy-chan."

"So what of it? It's true."

Mukuro laughed, "I have to protect her from any person who dares to look at her, speak to her, or even touch her in the wrong way. I won't let Chrome be defiled by the eyes of lustful people."

Gokudera and Mukuro continued their arguing with how there aren't people who'd actually do that, and with there are people with weird fetishes, and so on.

Yamamoto stood up and stretched, "By the way, where'd you get these clothes from?"

"Yeah, they look to small to be able to fit you all." Tsuna said.

"Those clothes used to extremely belong to Giotto, and G from when they were younger."

'Just how old are these clothes, and why are they still here?' They all thought.

"Tch, freaking hoarders."

"We're not hoarders. We.... just couldn't part ways with them. It's all that was left from when we were young. I guess kind of like a memento of the past. Like a piece of history, we started our ideas of creating Vongola when we were so young." Giotto said as he had a distant look on his face as if he was remembering those exact moments.

'Isn't it still the same as hoarding? Tch, they're in denial they can't face the facts. Well whatever helps them sleep at night.' Gokudera thought.

Tsuna stood up, "Ummm.... Giotto-san why did you believe us to easily? I mean normally someone would still be kind of suspicious about it."

"Well mostly because of my hyper intuition, but the other part was because you guys didn't seem like the type of people to lie, what would you gain from lying anyways."

Hibari opened his eyes and turned to face Giotto, "How're you going to get the clothes?"

Everyone turned to look at Hibari who was standing in the corner.

"Go shopping of course." Lampo snorted.

Ryohei looked at the first generation, then at his friends, "We extremely can't go."

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