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Mollys POV
I use that split second to run to Austin he never removes his eyes from Malcolm, he pushes me behind him Phillip and two warriors hold onto Bobby another one grabs Helen, Austin rushes at Malcolm they fight Austin delivers a blow that sends Malcolm out the window, Austin is right behind him, Bobby and Phillip start fighting

"Help them!"

"We have our orders, Luna."

"Dam it," i know I'm a healer, but i still don't like seeing people get hurt. Ronnie has Helen in a strong hold just behind them. i see a body on the ground its Sandra. Nobody has come out of there homes maybe he told them not to, i see Phillip has the upper hand against bobby just as Phillip is delivering the final blow Bobby thrust his hand upwards into phillips stomach, Phillip snaps his neck and drops him to the floor. Phillip stumbles and falls forward. i rush over to him and turn him over. i see a knife sticking out of his stomach.

"I'll  be ok."He is shivering. i look at a warrior he comes forward

"I'll carry him to the doctor, Luna."

"No, stay with the Alpha."


"No, Luna, this must end he cannot get away again," he coughs and closes his eyes

"Go and look after the Alpha" the warriors all surround Austin and Malcolm, i rip open phillips shirt and pull the knife out a spray of blood covers me, i place my hands over his wound and feel the warmth flow through me and come down my arms and the white glow surrounds Phillip the wound begins to heal and it takes longer when the wound is healed the warmth flows back up my arms the white glow disappears. He opens his eyes and sits up, looking at his wound.

"Thank you,"

"It's alright." i sway a bit

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, go help you're, Alpha." he gets up, and i stay there. The sound of fighting is all I hear  that when i hear a snap and i hear Phillip

"You did it Austin Austin oh no" i stand up then fall down i crawl to Austin until Ronnie picks me up, i see Helen being held by another warrior he places me next to Austin i see blood.



"Im here, and I'm going to heal you,"

"No, it's silver." i take his face into my hands

"You listen to me you have your job i have mine, as much as a pain in the arse you are you are my pain in the arse" i lean forward and brush my lips against his. He closes his eyes

"Help me turn him to his side." Phillip and Ronnie turn him on his side. i rip open his shirt and grab the silver knife and throw it down my hand, heals instantly

"You can let him go now" they step back i place my hands over the wound and feel the warmth flow down my arms a gold glow surrounds Austin i hear gasps the wound is starting to heal but its taking a lot longer because of the silver, i feel my body start to drain but i keep going eventually the wound starts to heal and closes when its healed the warmth flows back up my arms and the gold glow disappears. Austin sits up, looking at his wound, and then at me, he places his hand on the side of my face, and i lean into it.

"Finish it!" he nods at me, then stands up he walks over to Helen

"Alpha, i didn't do anything."

"Is that right?"


"You didn't tell Sandra that you were planning on killing your Luna." she says nothing i take her neck and snap it.

"Alpha," i turn around to see Molly lying on the grass, her eyes closed, i run to her, picking her up and mind linking the doctor to come straight away. Taking her upstairs, i place her on the bed, taking her bloody clothes off, placing one of my t shirts on her, i hear pounding on the steps and in walks. Alex

"May i?" I nod my head he walks to Molly and does some tests he is there for half an hour.

"Alpha physically, she is fine. i heard she saved you and Phillip. It has taken a lot out of her she will wake up, but when Alpha, i don't know.

"Ok" i sit down on the bed and place my hand on her face, i see the doctor slip out of the room and close the door after a while i hear scratching at the door, i open it and Tabby goes walking out towards the stairs she looks back at me, i follow her she stands in front of the door that has her food in i scratch behind hers ears, putting her food and milk out, i don't have to worry about letting her out as she has a litter tray. Opening the door i step out and see the bodies have gone people are out and about when they see me they bow, Phillip comes up to me we go inside he closes the door i sit at the table he gets us both a drink and sits down.

"How is she?"

"Resting healing us took a lot out of her." Phillip looks sad, and i feel like shit "she will be fine. that's the main thing."

"She shouldn't have saved me,"

"Phillip, you think she would have listened to you look at what she said to me when i told her no?" Me and Phillip both smile

"That was good." Phillip smiles

"Shut up."

"Forgive me for stepping out of line, but Malcolm is gone. we have found the traitors in the pack,"

"I know, and I'm going to try harder with her and make this work,"

"Im happy to hear this you deserve some happiness Austin and you parents would want you to move on now" we sit there for a while and Phillip gets up and leaves, locking up up i walk upstairs and climb into bed next to her

"Please wake up soon." i hold her close, placing my head in her neck. There is a bounce on the bed, and Tabby walks up, placing her head on Molly's stomach
"Tabby wants you to wake up to." i close my eyes, letting sleep take over.

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