Chpater 18: In New Orleans

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5 Days Later

Everything in New Orleans is still on the rocks, but most of the threats have been taken cared of. Dahlia is taken cared of; she died with Esther and now they're resting in peace together. The witches that were trying to use Hope for power are taken cared of. The only biggest threat left standing is Finn.

Hayley has been distant from everyone, including her husband, Jackson since she saw her baby girl. Gabby and Rebekah walk into her room and Gabby asks "Hayley? Are you okay? You've been distant. Everyone's worried about you, especially Elijah and Jackson."

Hayley says "no! I'm not! I thought just seeing her would make me feel better, but it didn't. It made me feel worse. I need my daughter by me. I want to hold her in my arms, but I can't because stupid-dull Finn can't stay dead." She vamp speeds off her bed and smashes her desk in anger.

Hayley starts crying hysterically and exclaims in sadness "I WANT MY DAUGHTER! I missed everything! I missed her first steps, her first words. I! MISSED! IT! ALL!" Gabby and Rebekah feel so bad for the poor hybrid mother.

Rebekah says "it's okay, Hayley. Stefan is doing a great job with Hope and I'm sure he'll have something for us to see; maybe videos. He loves Hope and he will protect her with his life. That we all know for a fact."

Hayley says, hysterical "I know he is! And for that I owe him a lot, but I wanted to be there for it. For it all! I want to be there. I need her. I need my little girl." She breaks down crying hard and Gabby and Rebekah pull her into a hug and she hugs them back, crying harder.


Klaus heard every word and he understands how she feels. As much as it pains him to have Hope think of someone else as her father, he's just glad out of everyone it could be, it's Stefan. He trusts Stefan.

Jackson and Elijah come into the room and Jackson says "she's falling a part. As much as I hate to admit it, she needs YOU, Klaus. You're the only one that can understand her pain."

Klaus says "I guess you're right, but soon enough we'll have our daughter back. The minute you and Hayley marry and the wolves are free from the crescent curse, we will be prepared to fight."

Elijah says "until then, she needs you Niklaus." Klaus says while getting up "I will, after I get a drink." He walks out of the room and goes to his liquor cabinet and grabs some scotch and pours it into his cup.

He takes a sip and he hears a voice behind him "drinking won't take away your problems you know." He turns around and sees Gabby there up against the wall with her legs and arms crossed.

Klaus says "well, right now I need it!" Gabby says, walking towards him "and Hayley needs you! You both share the same pain. You two need to talk. Go! Please, she needs it and you do too." Klaus looks at her, a little sad because he knows she's right.

Klaus says while putting down his scotch "fine! I'll go talk to her." Gabby smiles at him and hugs him and he hugs her back. He kisses her temple and at the same time he does that, Kol walks in.

Kol saw what happened and couldn't help but feel a load of jealousy and anger. He walks out before they can see him. He knew if he would have stayed, he would have done something he'll regret.

He goes to the bar and asks for six shots of bourbon. Cami comes over to him and asks "why the hell are you getting six shots of bourbon?" Kol says "because I just saw Klaus kiss and hug the love of my life." He downs his six shots and Cami asks "what? Gabby?!" Kol nods his head.

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