Chapter 21: Legal Right

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"Okay, mijo, I'll see you Sunday night," I said to Roberto, very early Saturday morning, as we walked up the pathway to Carlos's house. As much as I wanted to keep Rob for myself, his dad had the legal right to see him overnight, every other weekend. I couldn't change it. I kissed him and watched him go into the house, then drove back home.

And if I was truthful, it would be nice to have a break from my kid to do some last minute Christmas shopping for him, and to spend time with my neighbor. I also had the modeling gig later this morning; the class was about halfway through the session. I shivered in anticipation. That class seriously constituted foreplay.

Per the Saturday routine, at my usual fifteen minutes before class, I went into the ante room and took off my clothes, putting on my robe. Today the class assignment was to use charcoal to draw my weight, making the drawings of my body darker where I weighed more. I tried not to think about this concept too much.

I hadn't been with Jake since our quickie the other day; he had been back to his working ways, although I was starting to make up a dinner plate for him, and bring it over, so he had something to eat. He stopped by every night to talk, say hi to Rob, give me as much of a kiss as he could get away with, and take a plate of food home. I wished that he would work less, but he explained that a case of his was blowing up, and he needed to be there.

Now, as usual, Jake sat at an easel in the back, watching me with increasingly lusty eyes. Clad, again, in a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans with a heavy black belt, he looked like the bad boy, not the buttoned up lawyer. He kept running his hands through his ebony hair, making him look even more sexy, and with those dark blue eyes? Lordy.

Although he was working on his drawings, every time he caught my eye, I felt a throb go through my body. I was looking forward to tonight, since right now, my libido was going haywire. It was a good thing that women can hide their arousal; if an aroused man was the nude model, the whole class would know.

After class, I met Jake at his easel. He pulled me over to him by my waist and wrapped his arms around me, not caring that anyone saw. Uh huh. Yes. This was major progress for the man, since he initially hid from others that he knew me. We got a few curious looks from two other students who were packing up, but I didn't care. I was seeing him, and I had the right to see him; their opinion did not matter. One of the remaining students left.

"Hey," he said, holding me to him. Then the other student took off.

"Hey," I responded.

He smiled. "Do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?"

"I'd love to."

"Great," he replied. "I need to get a few things done at the office and then we'll go."

Now it was my turn to smile. I think I registered that the professor was leaving, but I was mostly paying attention to Jake. "Yay," I whispered. And then he kissed me, a soft kiss that explored and lingered, ignoring the fact that we were in a classroom, although by now we were alone.

This kiss got a little out of hand.

With such a sweet start, it ended fiery, with both of us moaning into each others' mouths, tongues tangling, hands exploring. We had to break apart, or we would end up naked, on the floor, in a few moments.

He put his forehead to mine, breathing heavy. "I got tested the other day," he said. "I'm clean."

"Me too. All clean."

"Good," he said. "Then tonight—"

"Yeah," I said.

He kissed me again, lightly this time, and then kissed me nose, like he always did. "Good."

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