Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The moment I utter those words, the atmosphere in the room changes completely. Zeus stands up, his presence doubling in size as his whole being crackles with an invisible power. A glittering golden wreath appears and settles on his head, with a slightly smaller and daintier wreath nestling in Hera's hair shortly after. The other gods and goddesses in the room silently follow Zeus' lead, their thrones disappearing the moment they stand up. In a blink, their clothing morphs into more formal guises, and an ethereal glow begins to glow from behind them. It takes me a moment to realise that they had all shed their 'human' forms and were standing in front of me in all their divine glory. Hades, on the other hand, doesn't change at all. Affection warms my heart.

"Golly gosh, I haven't been at a divinity crowning for aeons." Spencer grins. Ironically enough, he doesn't look at all different; if anything, he looks even more impishly human than normal. "This should be fun."

"There's a reason for that, Diony." Leia needles, blowing him a kiss when he scowls at her.

A grumble of annoyance rumbles through Zeus. He gives them a warning look.

"Stop acting like children, you two."

Spencer rolls his eyes. "Oh I am terribly sorry, Daddy-O, am I stepping on your toes? The stage is all yours."

Zeus deliberately ignores Spencer and turns back to Hades and I. He clears his throat. I try to ignore the pounding of my heart, instead drawing strength from the hand linked with mine.

"Brothers and sisters, we are assembled here today to appoint a new consort in assisting Hades with the governing of the Underworld. Before we proceed, is there anyone present who disagrees with this decision?"

"Jeez, I forgot how much this parade sounded like a marriage." Spencer mutters. This time, it's not just Zeus who glares at him.

"One more word, Dionysus, and I will throw you off this mountain." Zeus warns. Spencer mimes zipping his lip shut and flinging away the key.

I turn back to Hades. He picks up on my nerves straight away and squeezes my hand.

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Evie? It is not too late to back out, if you wish. It is a phenomenal responsibility to take on."

"No. I want to go through with this." I state firmly, shaking my head. "It's just... a lot to take in, and my good ol' friend anxiety is back and out for blood."

Hades chuckles softly. "You need only say the word, and I will release Cerberus on your good friend."

That surprises a smile out of me. The butterflies in my stomach start to flutter less erratically.

Zeus locks eyes with Hades. Hades inclines his head slightly, and Zeus nods. He focuses his attention on me, and I do everything I can not to cower away from his intense stare.

"Very well, then. Evie, this is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Should you choose to go through with this ceremony, you will become the Queen of the Underworld, and a minor goddess. You will cease ageing, and you will live for as long as we divinities are needed to guide this world. You will assist Hades in the judgement of the troubled souls that pass through the Underworld once their lives up on earth's surface have ended. This is not a burden to be taken lightly; you will need all your compassion and empathetic understanding to pass honest and unbiased judgement upon these souls, for they will need your guidance when deciding the fate of their afterlife. Do you understand the importance of this role?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you understand that, by agreeing to take on this role, you will not be able to return to the earth's surface, save for one month every six months, as is the demanding nature of your role, and you consent that you agreed to this of your own will and desire?"

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