Outside The Lines {7}

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                Dimitri’s lips were surprisingly soft. I reluctantly kissed him back, wanting to just get this stupid bet over with already.

                Dimitri’s hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck, pulling my head closer to him, his lips pressing against mine deeper. His lips moved just right, as if he was extremely experienced in the art of kissing.

                I pulled away from him, glaring. “Time’s up.”

                “Now was that really so bad little Theodore?” he asked, smirking.

                “I knew you were gay,” I grumbled.

                “Sexuality is such a tiresome thing. I prefer personality over gender,” Dimitri said with a shrug.

                “Whatever. That was gross,” I said. Well, no. It had just been a regular kiss. But I certainly didn’t want anyone thinking I was questioning my sexuality, or that I actually enjoyed kissing Dimitri Ivanov.

                “Oh, you enjoyed it. I can see it in your eyes. And trust me dear, no one has ever been disgusted with kissing me,” he said with a wink. “Or going farther.”

                “Like anyone would ever want to go farther with you,” I said.

                And suddenly, I found myself consumed with emotions I couldn’t quite identify as I looked at Dimitri. My mind conjured up images of him kissing others, holding them, touching them.

                I directed those confusing emotions into anger, since that was something I could identify. I glared at Dimitri, hating him more than I had ever hated anybody and not even knowing why.

                “Leave me alone! I don’t care if I lost at pool! Quit talking to me, and definitely quit hitting on me. I’m straight! I like girls! You know what excites me? Seeing Alek in short shorts. Not kissing you, you disgusting, overly flamboyant piece of shit!”

                Thalia stared at me, her mouth dropping open. I could see the anger and concern mixed in her eyes. She was mad that I had snapped at Dimitri, but mad because she could sense that something was off with me now.

                But Dimitri just kept smirking at me, a knowing look in his eyes. He pulled his vibrating cell phone out of his pocket and sighed dramatically as he checked it.

                “How unfortunate. My mother needs me home,” he said, shaking his head, glitter fluttering down to the carpet from his hair.

                “And don’t come back,” I snapped.

                “Calm down Theo,” Thalia said, getting up and coming over to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder, frowning at me.

                I slapped her hand off and shot them both a dirty look before turning and going upstairs. I dropped down on the couch in the living room, listening as Thalia and Dimitri came upstairs.

                “Dimitri has to go,” Thalia said.

                “It was very nice to meet you Dimitri,” mom said, and I could imagine dad nodding.

                “Pleasure to meet the both of you,” Dimitri said, that musical voice of his floating into the living room as if it was determined to find my ears.

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