Surprise! New chapter

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10 years later...

Emily's POV
"So it has past 10 years since I got out of the hospital. Me and Ryan got married and guess what? I'm pregnant! I haven't told him yet though, I'm waiting for the right time.

Jennifer is taking me shopping today, she's not a bad person as she want people to think. Well I'm going to get a present for Ryan to give him the great news. I'm so excited! I finished writing on my dairy when I heard a honk outside. I picked up my purse and went out the door.

"Well can you hurry up, I don't have all day." Jennifer said honking one last time.

"I'm coming." I said walking down the 3 stairs.

"So you're pregnant?" Jennifer asked for the third time.

"Yup" I simply said.

"Um so what are you going to get him for the big news?"

"I don't know, how about baby clothes?" I asked.

"Nah that is to cliché." she said. "How about a baseball ball and a little pink gun?"

"What?" I said confuse.

"Well if is a boy then he will play with him baseball and if it a girl then he will need a gun for all the boys after her." she explained.

"You're a genius!" I screamed.

"I know I am."

We picked the stuff and a card to explain the present. Now to give the news to mom.
"I'm a what!?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, you're a grandma."

"Oh my God! I'm going to have another baby!!" She yelled hugging me.


"Oh wait till John hears this, he is going to have a heart attack." she said smiling. "Does Ryan know?"

"Not yet. But I will tell him to night."

"Emily!!!" I heard Jake yell from the door.

"Is it true I'm going to be an uncle?!" He said picking me up.

"Yes, is true now put me down before you drop me."

"Well you are getting heavy." He joked.

"Does Ryan know?" He asked.

"No, he doesn't. Now can you drive me home so I can tell him?"
I asked.

"Of course, I want to be there when you tell him."

"Jake, let Emily and Ryan alone" mom said.

"Thanks mom. Well let's go." I said walking out the door.
I got everything ready for a big dinner for Ryan and me. I put the bag with the present in the table and went to take a shower.

"I'm home, and guess what happened?" I heard Ryan.

"No, no, no, I'm not ready!" I whisper yelled.

"Hey" he appeared at the door.

"Ah, hey" I said turning the light of the kitchen off.

"What's the matter?" He asked concern.

"Oh nothing, I was just going upstairs to take a shower." I said.

"Well let's go upstairs. I have a lot to tell you." He said pulling my arm.

"Oh great." I said walking.

"So then I told him that I was joking and that they all fell for it."

"Well that's just great." I told Ryan getting out the bathroom. "Why don't we go downstairs and eat."

"Yeah I'm starving."

We went downstairs and I turn the lights on.

"Aw you made us a romantic dinner. Wait is that a present? Oh my God, is it our anniversary. I'm so sorry I forgot." he said panicking.

"Hahaha no Ryan is not our anniversary. Is just a gift, go open it." I said, he got the bag and opened it.

"OH is just what I always wanted" he said looking at the ball and the gun weirdly.

"Hahaha read the card."

"Oh ok" He started reading the card. When he finished he looked up and started crying.

"We're going to have a baby." he said standing up and hugging me.

"Yes we are"

Soooo here is just a little surprise for you all.

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