Day ten (the wedding)

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My Aunt woke me up at exactly 5:00am and I prayed and did all my usual morning activities, after I was done, I was asked to eat, then take my bath, after I had finished bathing, as tradition implied I was bathed with bottles of perfume, before asked again to rinsed my body, and I did as I was told, then I was asked to get dressed as the makeup artist now made up my face, after I was done with all the preparations, I was asked to sit patiently and wait in my room until the Nikah which uncles went for was over... I sat there patiently waiting and afraid as to not knowing who it might be, I mean I know who I choose but it could also not be him, I sat there silently alone as everybody was now downstairs waiting for my uncles to return, my heart now beating fast and I breathing slowly as my door knob twisted and my aunt said "congratulations!! My daughter is now a married woman!!" she says as she hugs me, obviously meaning I was now married to whoever it is, that the Nikah was over, I sighed as I now asked "who am I married to" weirdly, I had no idea, she smiled then replied "you should know!! You choose him!!" she said as I now smiled in relief, I was now married to the one I choose. I remained in my room for a while until it now time for my wedding reception, and time for the husband to see his.
With my sister and Jidda by my side I was now taken to the hall, as I now wore a golden colored gown and veil, I slowly walked into the hall filled with people, and I could tell all eyes were on me, though I could only see a little cause my face was now covered with my veil, I was escorted to sit near my husband who I tried to look at but couldn't cause the veil was too heavy and I felt a little bit shy, now I sat close to him and immediately I did, he held my hand then said "you choose me!!" Ahmad said as I smiled, enjoying the warm feeling of his soft but masculine hands, "I didn't choose you, faith did!!" I replied and to be honest it was true, as I said nothing Ruqayyah and Jidda said changed my mind, as I decided to choose Ibrahim when my now mother in law called, but immediately she asked the question of who I wanted to marry, Ahmad was the only person who came to my mind, I tried so hard to forget what my heart was saying but I couldn't even mention Ibrahim's name, then I remembered what Ahmad said which was "Qadr, whatever is destined to be would be" and I thought of the possibility of him meeting a person he saw in a party of a thousand workers again, but Allah made it possible, the possibility of everyone knowing he had feelings for his brother's fiancé, but Allah made it happen by making Kabir hint it when I was on a call with Ibrahim and Ibrahim himself confronting Ahmad about it so much that their father heard, I mean all those things were almost impossible but it happened, the engagement is always said to confirm the marriage but only Allah knows what is going to happen next, and I guess I was always destined to get married to Ahmad.... He smiled, saying   "QADIR RIGHT?".


Love in 10 day§ (Unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant