Chapter Five - On the Way

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Chapter Five

Morrigan looked warily about. Her body was stiff, and ready for anything. Xavier, however, was exhausted, and stumbled behind her. As if remembering that he was there, she glanced back, and strode towards him. She reached for the collar. He flinched back, away from her hand. She narrowed her beautiful green eyes.

"Just let me take the collar off. It's not like I'm going to smack you with it."

"Well...." Xavier started. "You could smack me with it. I wouldn't put it past you."

She glared furiously at him. He decided that perhaps that wasn't the smartest thing to have said. He kept his mouth shut as they hiked across the land for a few more hours. Once it started to get dark, Morrigan stopped, and started to set up camp. 

"Mistress...?" Xavier called cautiously 

"Yes?" she snapped, unrolling two sleeping rolls.

"Where are we headed?" he asked her. 

She paused in her work, and thought for a moment. In reality, they could go anywhere they wanted. They were free. Still, this didn't mean she automatically knew what to do with this new found freedom. It was all so different, and new to her. And so, she replied honestly.

"I'm not sure." she admitted.

This answer threw Xavier. Even if she didn't know, he never expected her to admit this to him, of all people. 

" don't know...?" he tried.

"No, I don't," she sighed, and continued to see to the sleeping rolls. "Actually... I think we'll go to Witherton. There's someone there I've wanted to see for a long time now..."

"Who is in Witherton?" he inquired, his interest peaked.

"No one of importance to you." she replied, her voice and facial features going cold again. Then, as she thought, they warmed, and she stated, "Actually, I think I might tell you later. Not now though. At the moment, I think we both need to get some well deserved rest."

Xavier simply stared at her in shock. Did she say...we both? She did! Amazing! 

She glowered at him shocked expression. "What? Did you think I set out two sleeping rolls for myself? On the way to Witherton, I can't be having you collapsing from exhaustion, now, can I?"

"I suppose not. Do you want me to start a fire?"

"No. Although it would be nice, no. It might attract people, or other things we don't want to attract. Oh, and if you feel a fly biting you, don't swat it. You'll regret it."

"Um... Oh... Okay, I guess." he replied intelligently. Why would he regret swatting a fly? Was she that crazy, that she would hurt him if he killed a fly? He didn't think that even she was that insane. He tried to think of other reasons, and couldn't. He suppose he would have to ask her later. He crawled, grateful, into a sleeping roll. She looked at him for a moment, before crawling into her own. Now that he thought about it, she hadn't hurt him. Not once, since they got away from that place. He wondered if it was her surroundings that made her the way she was before. No, he decided. It couldn't simply be her surroundings. It had to be more than that. He thought about what he knew about the Mord-Sith. Well, that was easy. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. At that moment, he made it his mission to discover more about the woman sleeping soundly a few feet away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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