Chapter Thirty-One

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Tyler and I walked to the holding cells, the closer I go the more angry I got. Right before I walked in I stopped, closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Calm down Xavier. I scolded, instead of replying to me he growled and closed the link off between us.

I walked in and seen Alex glaring disgustedly at Brittney. I went to a chair and sat down while Tyler took a seat next to me.

I observed Brittney, she looked calm and confident. And had a smirk on her face, I wanted nothing more than to rip it off her face.

"Why am I here?" She asked, her voice annoying me.

"Because we know you know where my mate is. I want you to tell me or else I will make you wish for death." I stated calmly. I could see fear flash in her eyes.

She shook her head, "I don't know where that bitch is." She sneered.

Tyler, Alex and I growled at her disrespect of Kelsey and her lie. I put my face in hers, my breath fanning her face.

"If you continue to lie, I will get started with your.....punishment" I smirked when she paled.

"I d...I cant..." she was shaking now.

"Tell me!" I roared.

I watched her flinch, "s-she's in a h-house...d-deep in the woods..."

I growled annoied, "show us!" I slammed a map on the table.

She slowly looked it over then pointed to an area, "if you are lying to me, I will make your life a living hell" I promised as Alex, Tyler and I left the room.

"Find a guard and have her locked up until we return." Alex nodded, and disappeared.

I gathered the fighters, and any others willing to fight with me. And also, called Alpha Gracan to let him know what was going on.

"Ill be there!" Alpha Gracan had said before he hung up on me.


Once my wolves were ready we shifted and ran towards our location.

Hoping, and praying along the way that my mate was okay..

Kelsey, baby! I'm coming just hang on. I sent through the link hoping she received it. Or at least Siera..

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