Questions & Updates [ 1 ]

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This is your author speaking.

First of all I want to say how I frigging missed all of you! You can skip this part though. It's just that being a 10th grader is hectic as fuck. And yeah..

About my on-going stories..

Let's Pretend. I won't be updating this anymore, I'm very sorry. Due to my long and sudden hiatus, I lost track of my story line. I tried to read the whole book but I just can't type anything for another chapter. Im very sorry.

Marked. Due to a mature concept of this story, I can't continue any longer. Im terribly sorry.

I can't express how grateful I am for he reads and votes you guys gave for my on-going stories. Much love xo


1.) What's your OTP aside from Baekyeon?

2.) If I were to write another story, would you guys still support it? Even if it's not Baekyeon?

3.) If I were to write another story, should I make names for them or use their original names?

Author-nim missed all of you and I hope things would run smoothly like before. I sarang you all. Beng beng.

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