Just read please

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Hello lovely readers(: I've been wanting to post a new story I've been writing but I don't really know if it's good enough to publish. So I would be ever so happy if you would read the prologue and tell me what you think.

All my life people expected perfection out of me, in my behavior, grades, etc. I never thought much of it either. It was the way I was raised to be. I was the "Perfect Child" and maybe that was the problem. I hadn't experienced life fully. My childhood had been filled with trips to grandma's and staying at home. I had friends, but only the ones that my family had approved of. I was excluded from many things. Least to say, I was a brilliant child. I don't know what happened to me when I got older, but I was brilliant. Most of the things I was excluded from I figured out relatively quickly, but basically I existed to be clueless. Maybe that was the problem though. If you make a child perfect, they at some point will want to explore things. They will at some point break the prefect "mold" that they make us into but then again  Maybe that's just me.

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