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Danny had originally been behind the group, his breath coming out as a fine blue mist in the humid summer air. He closed his mouth in an attempt to stop it, though the condensation eventually began coming out of his nose like a dragon breathing fire. He was briefly reminded of Princess Dorathea and her magical amulet, turning the wearer into an angry fire-breathing dragon at any given time. The corners of his mouth turned upwards into a small grin as he thought of these past memories.

A hand reached out and pulled him to the front of the group.

"Jeez, Fenton, are you always this cold?" Wendy asked, brushing her hand off on her flannel shirt.

Danny ignored the question, saying, "I think that's the first time you've come close to actually saying my name."

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it."

They arrived at the lake, Danny desperately holding his breath. It was like the lake was emanating ghostly energy, and he wondered what might lurk beneath its waves.

Thompson began taking his shirt off.

"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea," Danny said, studying the water. It wasn't exactly clean; moss acted as a barrier from land to lake, sticking to the sides like a gross fence. A single dock made of rotting wood reached out over the lake and some of the teens stepped onto it, causing it to creak as if contemplating to break or hold strong. Danny refrained himself from shivering in disgust and took a deep breath.

"Trust me, City Boy, we've swum in this lake a lot."


Thompson splashed into the water, swimming out to an area less covered in murk and moss. Following after him was Lee and Nate, with Tambry simply sitting on the edge of the dock, phone in hand. She took a picture of the laughing boys.

Wendy looked over at Danny, concerned. "If you don't really want to swim here, I know this really cool place not far from here. The water is like, super clear."

"What?" Dipper asked, surprised. "You've never shown Mabel and me this before?"

Wendy shrugged. "It wasn't really important before."

So, with only a moment's hesitation, Danny followed after Wendy, Dipper and Mabel sticking behind. They were whispering something to each other and Danny was far too tired to eavesdrop. Besides, it would be rude.

"So like, Robbie was a total jerk. I mean, maybe not total, but he always played this really cool act when he actually wasn't cool. He's just like, super messed up."

"Like you?" Danny joked.

Wendy blew air through her nose. "No. I'm not messed up. I mean, maybe a little, but he's my-parents-keep-dead-bodies-laying-around-everywhere kind of messed up, you know?"

"No, I wasn't saying that. I was saying you keep up a chill act when you're actually super worried all the time."

Wendy's breath hitched slightly and she glanced over at the seemingly carefree boy. How did he know so much about her in such little time?

"Anyways," she said after a while, avoiding the question, "this is it."

Danny pushed through a layer of bushes before emerging in a meadow, the grass waist high and the sun beating down. Running down the center was a small, glistening stream, the water shining like gems. It was so clear, Danny could see right down to the colorful rocks below. He held his breath.

"Cool, right? I don't really know why this water stays so clear, but I know it runs right through the woods, and that's pretty sweet."

Dipper's eyebrows furrowed. "Seems a little strange, doesn't it?"

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