Chapter 14

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Okay, so Gravity Falls is officially coming to an end and I know that like 99% of the fandom is really upset/angry/ready-to-kill but please don't be! I mean, despite the fact that I've been blasting MCR and rocking back and forth in the darkest corner of my room, I realized that Gravity Falls has had to end eventually *sobs*. Although I am sad about the shows end, I am also super proud of Alex for his success with the show. I'll still be writing, even after the show ends (I'm even considering an upcoming sequel *nudge* *wink*). However, nearing the end of the book, I'll be changing up some things.

Anyways, enjoy!



I stood around awkwardly in the foyer of the manor, searching for Mabel, Candy and Grenda. Pacifica allowed me to follow her around until I could find them. She even helped me look for them for a bit, offering me food and such along the way. For once in a long time... She was actually being nice to me. Suddenly, the main doors burst open.

"NORTHWESTS! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" A voice bellowed. Pacifica and I ran up to the entrance, to find Dipper who has stormed angrily into the building.

"Dipper?" I said as Pacifica and I headed towards him. 

"Y/N! They've been lying to us the entire time!" Dipper began.

"Dip, what are you talking about?" 

Dipper glared at the Northwests and scowled. "All you had to do was let the townsfolk into the party and you would've broken the curse! But you made us do your dirty work instead!"

Pacifica's dad narrowed his eyes at Dipper's accusation. "Listen here, I'm hosting a party for the most powerful people. Do you think they'd come here if they had to interact with your kind?"

"Our kind?!" I was just about to step towards him, when Dipper grabbed my wrist to hold me back from messing up his petty face. I turned to Pacifica. "You knew about this?!"

She opened her mouth to speak, but her expressions said it all. "I was right about you all along. You're just like them." Dipper spat. "Another link in the world's worst chain."

Pacifica looked as if she were on the verge of tears. "I'm s-sorry!" She stuttered "They made me! I - I should've told you-" Suddenly, she was interrupted by the sound of a bell and immediately fell silent.

"Enjoy the party while you can. It's the last time you and your kind will ever be able to." Her dad stuck his nose in the air.


Dipper and I ran towards the mansion as fast as we could. Somehow, the ghost managed to escape the silver mirror and was on its way to revenge. We hastily opened the doors to see a horror laying before us.

Taxidermy forest animals ran about while people were turning to wood. Massive trees began to sprout from the marble floors towards the ceiling. Everyone was screaming, panicking, running for their dear lives. We heard the ghost laugh.


Dipper and I looked at each other, thinking about the exact same thing: Pacifica.

We ran off, eventually finding her in the dark room, where paintings were stowed away. We begged her to come back and help, but she only sadly looked at the paintings. 

"Every bad thing this family's ever done... It's all here. Lying, cheating... And then there's me." She sighed. "I lied to you guys just because I'm too scared to talk back to my stupid parents! You guys were right about me. I am just another link in the worlds worst chain."

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