Prologue: The crash

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Darkness. All I see is darkness. Wait. What's that? Light? A voice? Reaching... reaching...
I'm in the car. It's late at night, and we're driving up Prune Hill in silence. I'm in the passenger seat, my brother Aidan, in back, my dad up to my left, driving. I look back at Aidan. I'm mad at him, but I can't recall why.
The front of a truck smashes through my side window. I scream, "HELP!!" Strangely, everything on my right side disappears, replaced by searing pain.
The vehicles begin to tumble down the hill. We're rolling, faster, faster, faster faster fasterfasterfasterfaster.............
Momentarily, everything freezes, as if someone had pressed pause. I focus my lopsided vision enough to see that we're going to stop soon. A towering evergreen is looming on my side of the car. Then, the stillness stops "AAAHHH!!" Someone is screaming. I realize it's me. "NONONONONONONO!!!"

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