Chapter 4

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Ali? I awaken to someone calling my name. But, when I open my eyes, I am not in the familiar hospital bed I had been in before. Was I... outside? But no, the color is wrong. The grass is purple! I giggle and roll around in the field.

Aaaalllliiii... The familiar voice calls me again. I run to the other side of the field to behind a magenta-barked tree with cotton candy leaves and cotton candy apples! I jump excitedly at the sugary treat, only to be interrupted by the (now slightly annoyed) mysterious voice.

I peer around the tree, and see... PIXAL?! The robot is dashing across a field filled with people on picnic blankets. "Can I help you?" she asks as she passes each one. But suddenly, she perks up as the mysterious voice calls her!

PIXAL... the voice calls, leading her to the exact same tree, but on the other side, it is a perfectly average honeycrisp apple tree! Strange...

I am contemplating this as I peer over to the other side once more, only to be face to face with HER! "Ahh!" I scream and tumble back into the purple grass. She stares me head on.

"Excuse me, can I help you? You seem to be stuck in my mind," she says, surveying my side of the tree with mild distaste.
"Uh, no! I don't need your help! I'm fine! And, in case you didn't notice, you're stuck in my mind. So if you'd please leave me to this delicious-looking tree..."
Suddenly, I stop myself. The tree! The two of us stare up in wonder as the leaves twist and turn, forming ideas, images... a memory.
"Are you sure you want me to do this? I'm perfectly fine living on as your assistant," PIXAL's voice says, emanating from a computer.
Zane's face comes into view. "Of course, PIXAL. You were always more than an assistant, and you deserve to have a life of your own."
Her computerized eyebrows crunch down in worry as she says, "Okay, I'm ready."
The tree shifts again to another scene, one that I recognize. "Myo?" I call out as gallop down the steps of Beacock's music store. My brother frowns and mumbles, "Hello, Ms. Bossy."
I look at him woefully. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. You just-"
"Weren't listening, I know. You always say that."
The scene fades as we get in the car, the sky as darkened as our faces, rain beginning to pour.

Shocked, I look over at PIXAL. She looks surprised, and she's muttering under her breath.
"I remember that," I say, breaking the silence. "That was before the crash..."
"And that was when I agreed to be reassembled. I... I think it failed... I recall something about a replacement left half..."
My eyes open wide in shock. "Borg! He said I was going to be a cyborg! He said you needed help!"
Excited, I continue. " You saved me, and I saved you! We're equal!"
She nods, agreeing. "And yet, I feel hostility from you. You resent me for something, but we've barely met."
Her calm voice slices me as I remember that too. This was PIXAL. The Zane stealer, dream crusher. I've resented her since I first saw her on screen so long ago. How could we ever be equal? How would we ever be at peace? How will I stand being a part of her... Forever?

PIXALi: The Story That Came From a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now