six // jimin

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namjoon switches chat

namminion (14:34): yah how long does it take for you to read a few lines

namminion (14:34): this fan's hell-bent on making me blair

namminion (14:35): who the fuck is blair jimin help

jimin (14:36): ahhh well you brought this on yourself hyung

namminion (14:36): AREN'T YOu supposed to be the helpful one?!!!

namminion (14:37): just wait till i tell jin it was you who ate his ramen the other day

jimin (14:37): NOOOO

jimin (14:37): HYUNGGGG

jimin (14:37): ill help stop don't please

namminion (14:38): there there chimchim

jimin (14:39): ok im gone

namminion (14:39): omg no ill stop ples send help

jimin (14:40): right shut the fuck up now

jimin (14:40): i MEANT please be quiet

namminion (14:40): right...

jimin (14:41): so what's the problem?

namminion (14:43): so basically i found some girl who thinks im a 'blair' person and she keeps telling me to reveal myself as blair but idk who the fuk blair is and im so confused like how the fuck do i get her to believe that im not blair i mean is that even a name sounds like she's choking on her words

namminion (14:43): blair lol

jimin (14:46): well wow

namminion (14:46): what?

jimin (14:47): idk, never seen you so stressed over a fan lmao

namminion (14:48): who wouldn't be stressed if she keeps calling you BLERGH?!

namminion (14:48): i mean blair, autocorrect

jimin (14:49): -.-

jimin (14:49): just send her a pic and BAM that's it

namminion (14:50): what d'you mean send her a pic, WE JUST ESTABLISHED THAT SHE'S A FAN

jimin (14:50): so?

jimin (14:51): if you don't wanna, ill do it :D

namminion (14:51): uh no thanks rat

namminion (14:52): but pls add me to the gc again lol

jimin (14:53): youre annoying AS FUCK NO THANKS

jimin (14:53): but I guess seeing you get roasted by hyungs all the time is funny lmao dw you're in

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