Rise: Part II, Chapter 8

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They descended lower and lower, slinking their bodies toward the ground, as if oppressed by the enormous weight of stone and earth from above.

"The Veils have this shared mind with one another that no other creature in our realm could begin to understand. It is a saying amongst the dwarves of the Black Warrens that what one Veil knows, all Veils know. Soon we will not be able to proceed unnoticed no matter how lightly we tread. So when we encounter them, the more quickly they can be killed, the better." Hael stopped and placed his large hand on her shoulder. "Heed my words: never follow a running Veil."

Cecily nodded, understanding the warning.

Suddenly, as if the air had changed, his grip tightened. "I fear we're being watched," he said. Then he froze absolutely still like a boulder.

"Hael," Cecily whispered, trying not to tremble, "I thought you said you drove the Veils out of these tunnels?"

"I did," Hael said. "It stands to reason they know more about our tunnels than we do." His crooked grin then turned into a frown. "I have condemned you to death."

"Don't say that. I chose to be here," Cecily hissed.

"Then we will gamble and pray we don't lose." When Hael smiled, Cecily recognized the familiar silver pattern that inlaid his teeth. "We must drive them out again."

As the group cautiously resumed their descent, they encountered two solitary Veils, and Cecily finally understood how they acquired such a name. They were tall creatures and no more solid than a ghost; a dramatic display of vanishing shapes, as if they were nightmares devoured by phantoms of a long departed race, come back to haunt them.

The first Veil was taken down by Cerin before either of them had seen it.

Hael bowed to the wolf and said, "Much obliged."

Before the second turned to flee, it died on the point of Hael's longsword, thanks to his frightening reach.

Cecily and Cerin shared a fleeting glance; it was a casual reminder of how outrageously strong the dwarf's long, muscular arms were, even if his head did not even come up to her shoulder.

"Hurry!" Hael commanded. "Our good fortune will not last much longer."

Without a doubt, two tunnels and a sharp turn later, they came upon what was clearly a blockade. Five Veils. While four stood their ground, the fifth ran, sounding a horrific cry as it went.

"They have sounded the alarm!" Hael said. "At the ready!"

As Hael disemboweled the two largest of Veils, Cerin pounced, taking down the third. The fourth was left for Cecily.

It came to her. Ears swiveled in her direction. As if drawn by her presence, the shapeshifting Veil approached her. Cecily's heart sank. She had no idea anything could be so terrible. The beast drew nearer, head dipping, nostrils flaring to take her scent. It was too late for indecision.

"The end is coming. Can you feel it?" Its voice was ghostly quiet and docile.

She forced a breath into her now tight chest. The Veil's shadowy head inverted in on itself and then swayed to the side as if listening for her response. Evidently, her silence wasn't going to convince it she wasn't there.

"Did you not hear me?" it asked, twisting its shadowy torso and then snarled as it conjured ten startlingly sharp claws from thin air.

Cecily's heart skipped a beat at the terrifying display. No longer the predator, she was now the prey. At least she was smart enough to realize it.

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