Chapter 9

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Intermission is called. So far we watched tie down roping, steer wrestling and barrel racing.

I get up and Keith's arm drops from around my waist. I am almost annoyed with him.

"I'm going to get a drink." I say and turn.

"I'll come with you." A male voice says from behind me. I turn to see Clark standing.

Keith stands and looks at me. "No I'll go with her."

"Uh.." I stutter quietly.

"Sit down, she's mine." I hear Keith say and push him back into his seat.

Clark stands again almost pushing Keith down the bleachers. "I can do what I want."

I gulp and then yell, "I want to go alone, both of you stay here!"

Keith turns to me but I already made my way down the bleachers and towards the vendors.

I walk over to the beer tent. "Bud light please."

"I.D." The man behind the table says.

I sigh heavily and pull it out of my wallet showing it to him.

He hands my a cup of bud light and I quickly pay him.

"Thanks." I grumble walking away.

I walk through the vendors, quite annoyed by everything that's happening.

I was suppose to come here with friends, party, drink and have fun. But no we have to have drama.

I chug my beer and chuck the cup into the garbage.

"Trouble in paradise?" A manly voice says from beside me.

I look up to see Christian.

I scuff. "What do you want?"

He sighs and stuffs his hands into his jean pockets.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Are you trying to get back with me or something because I'm over you and could care less about your apologies. Where is your new toy anyways?"

"She isn't my toy, I actually like her and I just wanted to say sorry so that we can both move on."

I laugh a bit. "Bud, I already have moved on."

He laughs. "With which guy because I have seen you with a lot."

"Shut the fuck up. Okay! Go back with your Barbie and stay out of my life. And tell your Barbie to stay away from us and out of Blake's life well your at it."

I read a text from Daisy saying the Rodeo has started again.


"Stop, go away and stay out of our way while were here. I'm done with this stupid drama."

I turn on my heels and walk away from him up to the bleachers sitting in between Daisy and Keith.

I watch the rest of the Rodeo in peace expect for the touchy touchy with Keith. I could hear the concert starting blaring through the speakers as we went back to the trailer to get changed.

Only Blake, Keith, Clark and I went back to the trailer the rest went straight to the concert.

I felt Keith's arm rest on my waist as we walked.

"Uh Keith."


I can't turn him down after only giving him a day.

"Never mind, it's not important."

He laughs a bit and continues walking.
As I'm changing in the bathroom I hear Blake talking with Clark in my trailer.

"Just take that douche Keith so I can talk to Alena, it's important."

"Dude, she obviously doesn't want to listen to you."

Clark growls. "She needs to hear me out."

I come out of the bathroom and glare at Clark.

"No, I screwed up. Can't you just drop it and move on like you did last time?" I say before leaving the trailer and linking arms with Keith.

Keith and I arrive at the concert and he buys me a drink.

I quickly drink it, going for another.
We meet up with everyone one. Keith kisses me before I walk up to Daisy and the other girls.

The music has already started, tonight is Kip Moore and Sam Hunt.

"Not my favourite singers tonight!" I say over the music.

Daisy turns and hugs me. "Hey girl!"

I smile.

She pulls me out of the crowd.

"What's up?" I ask confused.

"Does Keith know you hooked up with Clark last night?"

I sigh and shake my head. "He doesn't need to know."

Her eyes go wide. "Really?"

"Yes, it's fine. Now lets go party."


The night flew by after I drank three more beers.

"Lets get out of here." I hear Keith whisper in my ear.

I lean back into him and nod.

He quickly pulls me out of the crowd and before I know it we are making out against the side of his trailer.

"Ugh." He groans and slides his hands under my top.

I moan as he cups my breasts.

I hear the trailer door open and he pushes me inside and pulls me into his bed.

"We have to hurry before they come back." He slurs his words.

I didn't hear him exactly. I just heard hurry.

We rip off each others shirts and he unbuckles his belt, sliding off his pants. My pants are soon off and I'm straddling him.

I shouldn't do this.

Keith flips me under him and strips us down till we are naked. He slips his fingers inside me and I moan loudly.
I hear the door burst open and I sit up.

"Get the fuck off her!" Clark's voice yells.

I gasp and we quickly get dressed. Keith only gets his boxers on when Clark pushes him to the floor. I get dressed and see Clark throwing punches at Keith.

"Clark!" I yell.

He turns to me and Keith grabs him, throwing punches at him.

I toss Keith off of him and grab the collar of Clark'a shirt pulling him out of the trailer.

I pull him to his and shove him against the side.

"Clark! You need to stay out of my life! What happened last night was a mistake! Just like in high school! Your a mistake!"

He doesn't speak. I just roll my eyes even though he can't see then in the dark and I walk away to my trailer.

I get in and snuggle into my bed sheets.

I hate my life right now.

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