Psychos Lick Hands too.......

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Psychos Lick Hands too......

Posted by jelly.legs

Date Posted: 07/19/2006

Once there was a girl named Megan. She had a dog named Max. One night her parents left to go out for their anniversary. "Are you sure you will be okay?" asked her mom "Yes," said Megan "You've left me home dozens of times." "Okay" said her dad "We'll be home at 11 o'clock." "Bye" replied Megan, and off they went.

Megan went upstairs to her room. She could hear her dog Max under the bed. She didn't want to disturb him, so she layed down quietly and read a book. Then the power went out for about two minutes. Scared she sat there and did nothing. Then when the power came back on she continued reading her book. About five minutes later she heard a noise in the kitchen downstairs, so she headed downstairs. But before she left she stuck her hand under the bed for Max to lick (it made her feel less scared). Arriving at the kitchen she found nothing. So she went back to her room and continued reading her book. About 10 minutes later she heard the noise again and it sounded like it came from her mom's room down the hall. So she stuck her hand under the bed and Max licked it. She headed down the hall and opened the door, turned on the light, and.........nothing. She headed down the hall back to her room, layed on her bed and continued reading. About an hour later she was dozing off and woke up after hearing the noise. She peered at the clock and it read 10:26pm. She stuck her hand under the bed and Max licked it and quietly she said "Are you as scared as me?" She then headed down to where she heard the noise, the bathroom. She opened the door and could see something swinging behind her shower curtain. She walked slowly to the shower and pulled the curtain back. SHE SCREAMED IN HORROR. There was her dog hanging by the neck and in his blood it read "PSYCHOS LICK HANDS TOO"

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