Chapter 1

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Kyla Sarah Swarchar 

September 10th, 3427. 

Weight: 6 Pounds, 4 Ounces. 

Height: 17 inches. 

Necklace: Silver Half of Heart, Heart engraved within the Half Heart.

You see, not everyone has the same necklace. Some people don't even have a necklace. Some have a braclet, anklet, earrings, anything that is jewelry. What makes them so special is that they are given to you at birth. That's why it says necklace on my birth certificate. What makes it even more special and unique is that your true love, your real soul mate is wearing the other half. One problem, you don't know who this person is. Some people are lucky, they just bump into them one day. Others, however, aren't as fortunate. They have to go on a long journey to find them. That's what I'm planning on doing. I mean, wouldn't you too? Wouldn't you want to find out one of the greatest things in your life exists? I know I do.

Oh! By the way, your probably wondering who I am. My name is Kyla. I'm 16 years old, but I am very mature for my age. At least that's what everyone says. I haven't had my first kiss yet but I'm not desperate. I mean, of course I would love to, what teenage girl wouldn't? But I'm waiting for the right guy and the right moment.

So back to that whole neckalce thing. Since everyone gets one, or some other peice of jewelry, it means that everyone has to have a love of their life. Except me. I think mine got hit by a bus. Which does happen some times. Not always hit by a bus of course, but sometimes someone's love dies, and they aren't even able to meet them. This planet isn't that much different than Earth, though. Its actually the exact thing; same type of humans, places, diseases, food, etc. The only difference is the name of this planet, Tepturn.

So back to getting to know more about me, I'm about 5'5", I have brown hair and green eyes. I hate my eyes, I wish I had blue. My favorite color is purple, and my favorite animal is the elephant. I play the clarinet, and I'm learning bass guitar. I play volleyball and I used to play soccer until I hurt my knee. I have a dog and a cat, and two loving and amazing parents. I can't really complain about my life. 

That's why I feel terrible for what I'm going to do.

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