Holiday 2015 Bonus Article

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thought I'd do a little something to brighten up your holidays and let you all know how much I appreciate all of you. Happy holidays and I wish you all the best in 2016! Happy reading!


In this month's issue of the Boston Bylines, Tara Hauser gets up close and personal with Boston's royal couple in her popular Transcript section...

Demystifying The Mysterious (and often mischievous) Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield

By Tara Hauser

Since their whirlwind romance made it to the tabloids a decade ago, the public has been fascinated by the real-life fairy tale between a diner waitress and a dashing young executive.

Once upon a time, Charlotte Maxfield, now 30, not only charmed Boston's most eligible bachelor—she blazed into high society in the most unconventional but most unforgettable of ways. She led the highly-esteemed Boston-based charity group, The Lady Championettes Society, pushed the state-wide initiative to shelter the homeless, became mother to adorable twins, earned her law degree and joined the International Rescue Committee (IRC) last year.

Brandon Maxfield, now 39, had been groomed to lead a multi-billion dollar empire and has since become Maxfield Industries' CEO, his brilliant sense of business only trailing behind his even more notorious reputation as devoted husband and father.

With their life in the public eye, most people would think they know all that there is to know about Boston's power couple but we suspect otherwise so we sat down with Charlotte and Brandon at their beautiful Back Bay home and got candid with them (they actually got candid with us but we're not complaining).

The Maxfield home was awash with the warm holiday glow—the air smelled of baking cookies and soft pine-scented candles, and the halls echoed with children's laughter and faint Christmas music.

Our team was whisked straight into the living room where a fireplace was lit, with Charlotte waltzing in right away, asking if we wanted marshmallows on hot chocolate or a plain mug of apple cider. Brandon was right behind her, winking at us and silently mouthing hot chocolate before his wife glanced over her shoulder at him with an arched brow.

With every single person finally armed with a steaming mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course), we all settled down in the cozy living room that was more inviting for its sense of home and family rather than the opulence of a charmed life that Boston's favorite couple definitely live daily.

Our team came with a list of questions but if anyone's been in any conversation with Charlotte at good length at some point in their lives, you'd know that the conversation was going to go wherever she steered it.

Not that we minded. No one who knew her would mind when you are talking with Charlotte Maxfield.

First of all, she wore her signature look of fun and fabulous in a bright red sweater, white jeans and red sneakers, her dark blonde braid threaded and secured with a rainbow of ribbons, thanks to the efforts of her eight-year-old daughter Skyler. Brandon was casual in jeans and a pale olive green cashmere sweater, oblivious to the fact that he kept absently playing with Charlotte's braid during the whole interview in the guise of resting his arm on the back of the love seat they shared. Charlotte's hand barely left Brandon's knee, her fingers either gripping it or drumming on it when she got excited talking about something.


Boston's fairy tale couple still adorably in love a decade after they met.

TARA: Is this how you guys normally dress when you're off work and just spending the day at home?

The Mischievous Mrs. MaxfieldWhere stories live. Discover now