7. I love you

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Adrian's P.O.V.

I was in deep sleep when I woke up with the annoying sound of the doorbell irritating.

I was about to go out, when I hear the door open, I saw the time on my side table its 7.23 am already.

I thought who would be here so early? Then I hear someone sobbing. Was that Susan, before I reach the living room, I hear Susan's bedroom door closing with a bang. Is she crying who came here so early? Didn't she get my note?

Those were questions bouncing in my mind, then I decided to go out and investigate. Yes, I'm going to eavesdropping curiosity gets the best out of me.

I slowly made my way to her room using my best ninja tricks as I made my way there I hear familiar voices, one is definitely of Susan's and another belongs to Lisa her best friend.

Lisa has got a bad luck with relationships, she usually faces breakups and then fall in true love with the next guy in every five to six months and then do horrible thinks to mend her broken heart and drag Susan all time. Typical spoiled rich brat. I started hearing their conversation and Lisa's sobbing tell me it's nothing, but breakup again.

God knows what will she do this time, I have to talk things out with Susan before Lisa drags her to something again.

Around 8:30 am or so they left the flat, I was awake and waiting for Susan to come out and to talk to me and hug or say something after my apology note.

Where's she? Is she that upset? God seriously, we are together for five years now, can't she just forget it? I even went to the kitchen and make noise to grab her attention, but no response I closed my door with a bang when I heard her door opening indicating that I'm awake.

Sometime later I heard the main door opening and closing and they just left. I went to her room to check if that note was still there, but it was not there she found it, good for me then. I'll give her space to cool down a bit.

At office

I'm in the office right now, but I can't concentrate on anything at all. She's still not here, where did she went. Should I call her and just ask? I guess no, I should just simply text her first. Giving her time is my best shot at the moment.

Babe where are you?
I'm really, really sorry for yesterday.

I think its fine, yes it is. Oh God, please, I hope that she replies me back. And with that I hit send.

I waited for a few minutes. After 10 minutes I got a text back that left me off guard.

None of your business, go get drunk at the bar with people who matters to you more than me, and I'm leaving.

Leaving? As in leaving me? No way with that my mind went blank. I grab my jacket and rush to my car to go to our apartment and stop her from leaving, I can't just let her go like this. Don't judge me we had fair share of fights and arguments in past, but nothing serious enough like this time. I can't be that idiot who gets dumped using a text.

After 10 minutes of rash driving, I finally make it to the building, same place where I spent my life's most memorable moments with Susan. I was tensed and depressed by the thought of her leaving me.

I took stairs to reach her faster, that lift won't be the option, I can't let her go. I saw the door same door where she used to stand when I get home from work and gave me tight warm hugs. Just see it last after she is gone you'll have no one. I'm such an idiot.

I vigorously knock the door, followed by ringing bell. I can hear the sound of her shoes coming near the door. As soon as she open door revealing her in short lemon yellow summer dress.

I grab her towards me, while moving inside the living room, I hugged her tightly afraid if I let her go she might leave me for good.

"I'm sorry Babe I'm sorry, please don't go, I love you, I love you, please Susan. " I said to her while looking at her face. I see her eyes reddened she surely was crying again.

"Please Adrian not this time I need a break" She said pleading. All I can see and want is to not to let her go. I shook my head no.

"For whom you need a break work? Then take a leave, but you don't have to leave me." Crap I messed up again this is the second time I messed with her, first time was because of some staff at office flirting with her. Whom I misunderstood to her having a relationship with.

Now the tables have turned. It's me on a guilt chair this time. She's so innocent that she doesn't even have an idea about me and Sia. I am breaking her trust.

"No, from us Adrian I want a break from us, from you. Please Adrian can't you see? What's going on? We are no longer are together we are just two individuals staying under the same roof. " By this time she stopped crying. She continued

" I don't know why? But it's like you changed after you came back from your trip. I'm not blaming you. It's just a holiday for a week I'll come back soon." She explained the situation, like really I'm buying it.

"What the hell are you saying? Are you trying to say that I am having an affair behind your back?" I asked her in anger. Not a lie if she meant that anyone will see it that way, but am I really cheating with her? No, Sia is just a friend, nothing else.

"What? You think about me like that? I'm your girlfriend. I trust you. It's just that you are changing and I need a break to get used to it. Get habit of you behaving like this." She said defensively.

"But why? We can solve it by talking and work things out. Like always,  nothing is changed. " I said, giving suggestion. I mean it, if she left, it would be bad I know it. Her dad, he wants her to come back, they are constantly calling her to convince her to suck it up and do her part. She's an heiress, she has a responsibility, but she and I, we both know she wants a simple life, not that life she lived back with her parents.

"Talk things out when? At 3 a.m. in the morning or in the office where that stupid son of owner just joined,  taking his dad's place, and soon will be leading all of us to work hard our asses up. He changed the company policy no relationship with your colleague. If we talk there both of us will be fired. " She shouts with her voice full of frustration.

"What you want from me?'' I asked her in a low voice.

"To let me have this vacation, it's not over between us, it's not even a break, we are far from over,  Adrian I love you too." She said in a low and desperate voice.

"Take it, " I replied and with that I press my lips to hers. She replied to my kiss instantly.  I missed this so much, I'm beyond happy we cleared things up, there is a lot more to discuss.

Today, I realise how much funny, good and beautiful Sia is, but she can't ever come close to Susan, she's what I'm made for and I love her. And to my luck, she loves me too.

Happy new year to all, have fun reading love you all. Thanks for voting and please share and comment suggestions.

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