Chapter Ten

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I smile watching as Mrs. Mason meets everyone and smiles until she sees Udolf. When she hears his name she looks to me but I shake my head letting her know to not do anything. We all sit and relax having a great time. After a while I get up and clear away the dishes letting everyone else keep talking.

"I'll help," Udolf says and follows me to the kitchen. "I'm so glad we can do this. One day we should hang out just us two." He says smiling at me.

"No," I snap then take a deep breath. "Udolf I don't forgive you." I say softly not wanting anyone to over hear us, especially Sibuna.

"What? But I thought..."

"You thought wrong. The only reason I am talking to you and letting you near my son is for my best friend. If you weren't her mate I would be treating you the same as Thomas," I hiss under my breath and look to the door to see if anyone had come into the room. "But you are Sibuna's mate and I would never wish the pain of rejection on anyone, especially not the person who is like my sister."

"You hate me so much?" Udolf say hurt in his eyes. "Why?"

"Really? Your asking me that? How dare you. You wanted me dead for years. You let this pack torturing me and almost kill me. How could you actually believe I forgave you?" I ask staring at him like he is crazy.

"I truly am sorry for everything...what about Jacob? Why let me near him if I'm such a monster?"

"Simple. If I didn't Sibuna would know and would reject you and feel that pain for the rest of her life. She knows me." I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I'm going back out there and I will still pretend I am a loving sister in front of everyone, but do know this in my heart you are dead and that will never ever change." I say then walk back to the group smiling and looking at all my friend and family. No one showed any signs that they heard mine and Udolf's conversation.

After we spent a few hours with Mrs. Mason we were all tired and decided to head back to get a little rest before training the next day. I tucked in both Jacob and Melissa then went into my room feeling drained. I take a quick shower and head to bed falling asleep quickly.




I lay awake in my bed for a few hours tossing and turning. So when Allison and her pack sounded their wake up call I had gotten maybe half an hour to an hour of sleep. Like everyone else I got up and got dressed heading outside to watch as Allison and her friends trained a little before my pack came out. I watched as Allison laughed and smiled. It hurt my wolf and me to know others were making her happy when it should be us making her happy but I'm an asshole who broke her heart and soul, mine right along side hers.

"Ready for us?" Scott asks walking out with the other pack worriers.

"We've been ready. The real question is are all of you ready or are you all still sore from yesterday?" Nina says with a little sass looking at me and my pack.

"We are fine," I say without looking at my pack knowing even if Allison and her friends push us we will be fine, well most of us the only ones that will be complaining are the pack sluts.

A little behind me I hear Lillian sigh and mutter something under her breath. Apparently Allison also heard because she yells Lillian's name in a voice that dares anyone to challenge her.

'That my mate. Showing her alpha side' my wolf says quietly sounding very pleased with our mate.

"Want to say that so everyone hears you Lillian?" Allison says staring at someone, who I'm assuming is Lillian, behind me.

"I said your a bitch and training us to hard." Lillian snapped back causing a few people to growl, myself included.

"This isn't even as hard as we train. I'll show you training hard. Today you will be the person that helps me show everyone else what they are learning. So come here" Allison says again in her demanding voice.

"Whatever," Lillian says and walks forward to Allison.

"Get into groups and lets get started!" Nina yells looking at Allison with a small smirk on her face. Looking at the others from their pack I see a few smirks like they knew something was about to happen before we did.

A few hours later I understood those smirks. Allison and her pack put me and my pack through hell, but at least most of us only had bruises that would be gone in an hour or two. Lillian on the other hand was now being brought to the pack doctors with basically all her bones broken. As they move her I hear her screaming in pain till I see them inject something in her arm causing her to pass out.

I walk over to Allison and Jacob smiling a little. "Was it necessary to hurt her so bad?" I ask Allison looking down at her, seeing as she was kneeling in front of our son. She stood up and looked at me. The look on her face showed boredom, but at least she wasn't glaring at me. That probably has to do with Jacob standing right behind her.

"She said I was pushing your pack to hard I was just showing her what training hard actually looks like. I was never trained easy like I'm training your pack. My training was closer to what I just put Lillian through. I wanted to get strong so I could protect my son from any thing and anyone that threatens to harm him," she says then looks down at Jacob and smiles holding out her hand so he could reach up and hold it. "Jacob say good bye to Alpha Thomas and we can you see Melissa."

"Bye Alpha Thomas!" Jacob says then pulls his mover over to the little girl and her brother. I watch as Allison laughs and nods then takes both kids hands and head inside. Sighing I look around then look up at the sky hoping the moon goddess will help lead me on my path and show me what to do.


Ꭿ/ℕ~ Hello everyone sorry that I haven't updated this book in a long long time. My parents have been in and out of the hospital, then all my school work, and work work has been dragging me down and I haven't had a lot of time for uploading. I write my books then type them on Wattpad so I do have a few chapter that I need to upload and I'm going to try and upload them as soon as I can but this was the first time in months that I have actually logged onto Wattpad so yeah..... my parents are both fine right now and at home so that's good but I need to mostly be there for my family and I hate that my writing and those who love this book don't have as much attention as I would like to give them. While I typed this today it made me realize that I miss writing so I will try to upload a little more than I have but if I don't it's most likely because something happened to my parents or my dogs. I hope everyone that's been waiting for this chapter enjoyed it and I hope that all my readers understand my feeling. Thank you all for reading and looking at this book I hope to keep writing things that people enjoy.

Till next time

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