Chapter Five

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            “Your feet haven’t been as banged up as they usually are after practice; is Mother actually driving you home everyday?” Dakota asks in disbelief. She’s perched on the windowsill of Moet’s bedroom, swinging her legs back and forth in the way of a carefree child.

            “Someone’s been giving me rides…” Moet trails off at the end, the mere thought of Leighton making her cheeks flame red in embarrassment. Turning her head quickly, she hopes Dakota didn’t catch the blush that stained her cheeks scarlet. However when she turns her head back around, Dakota’s gazing at her with a goofy grin.

            “Someone, huh? Tell me, little sis, is this a boy someone or a girl someone?”

            “Uh…” Moet averts her gaze to her feet, trying to refrain from answering her. She never lied to Dakota, so she definitely couldn’t tell her it was one of her imaginary girlfriends, but she really, really didn’t want to talk about boys with her big sister right now. It was too embarrassing! And plus, Leighton and her weren’t even friends, just neighbors helping each other out in times of need.

            “Okay, what’s his name?” Dakota sing-songs, full-out grinning at the amount of discomfort she’s causing Moet.

            “Leighton,” the younger sister murmurs.

            “And… does he have a girlfriend?”

            “Dakota!” Moet exclaims as twin blots of scarlet stain her cheeks.

            “I’m taking that as a no?” Dakota asks with an innocent head-tilt of her head.

            “Well, no, but they just broke up this week!” Moet splutters. “And he definitely doesn’t think of me that way—we’re just acquaintances. Neighbors helping each other out.”

            At this, Dakota’s pink mouth opens in an “O”. “He’s your neighbor?”

            “Yes, in the house to our left—Dakota!” But Dakota was already out of the window and climbing down the emergency fire ladder that leaned against it. Panicking, Moet immediately starts climbing down after her.

            “Dakota!” She calls, running after her. Moet sees Dakota standing on the Bakkers’ front porch and before she could do anything to stop her, Dakota’d already rung their doorbell and ran to the other side of the house to hide.

            “Moet?” Hearing Leighton’s voice, her head whips around to the front door where a certain gray-eyed brunette boy with glasses stands rubbing his eyes as if he’s just woken up.

            “Um…” The two stand in silence for a while before Moet looks over Leighton’s shoulder to see Dakota mouthing, Ask him out!

            No, Moet mouths back just as furiously. She looks back up to Leighton only to see his confused face peering over his own shoulder, unable to spot Dakota underneath the dense foliage and dark shadows of the streetlamp.

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