Chapter Five

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Elise's POV

I slowly changed into a more comfy dress that I found in my closet. I was kind of scared to go outside because of Damien. What did he mean by secret weapon? I was scared to find out.

I let out my tightly braided hair, and it came out in some loose curls. I still wasn't used to the new length, but I had to admit I looked pretty.

After I was finished I opened the bedroom door and saw the guard, Damien, smiling at me. I closed the door behind me, and walked up to him. "Where are we going?" I asked softly.

"You'll see, Elise," he motioned for me to follow him. "But I need you to trust me." He said.

Honestly, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Did I trust him? Maybe not, but he doesn't seem like a very mean person.

So I nodded and followed him down the hallway. We went down some stairs until we were on the main floor. "Where is it?" I asked getting anxious.

"Be patient, Elise. It's not on this floor."

"But we're on the main floor!" I asked completely confused. I haven't been in the palace that long but I'm pretty sure we've been to every floor.

Damien just gave me a mischievous grin and walked down the hall. I followed him all the way to a creepy door, that had two knights guarding it. They gave Damien and I a proving nod and open the door. I politely smiled and curtseyed.

Now we were in a dark and dirty area. "Where is this place?" I asked getting a little scared. Insects crawled onto my foot and I had to shake them off. The stale air in this place made me scrunch up my nose. I was used to the fresh breeze on my farm, even the centre had better air than this.

"The dungeon."

My eyes widened. Why were we here? Was I in trouble? I started to worry about my safety, and backed away from Damien. He frowned at me. "I'm not putting you in a cell, Elise."

I relaxed a bit, but still didn't like the idea of being here. If we were in the dungeon that means there were criminals in here. That scared me.

"Okay, but what are we doing here then?" I asked still confused and scared. 

"I need to show you something, it's very important." he said seriously. Did Braxton know I was here? I just met Damien, what is he showing me? Why is it important? Millions of questions ran through my head, making me dizzy.

Instead of asking him anything, I just nodded. He started to walk deeper in the dungeon and I followed.

He stopped at a small wooden door and knocked on it in some pattern. I cocked my head, not understanding what he was doing. I was about to say something but a small voice cut me off.

"B-Braxton?" a young feminine voice asked. Braxton? Didn't everyone have to address him formally?

This took me by surprise. I didn't know what to expect, but defiantly not a young girls voice. "No, Princess, it's me." Damien replied. Princess?

"Damien!" The girl said excitedly. "You finally came to visit me!" I saw Damien cringe, but then smile.

"Sure did! I also brought a friend with me, is that okay?" He asked kindly. He seemed so sensitive with the girl. I could tell he cared deeply for her.

There was silence for a moment. "...Is it one of them?" she asked saying the word 'them' with complete disgust. This made me curious about who 'they' were.

"Of course not! She's really nice, come on, you'll love her." He said trying to convince her.

I heard her talking to herself through the door, maybe deciding if she should meet me or not. After a couple of minutes, she finally spoke again. "I'll talk to your friend, Damien." she said softly.

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