Chapter 9: Simple Mathematics

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Rehearsals keep on going smoother and getting better with each one. Shane does not act so stiff around me anymore. We are nowhere near what it was like before. At least we are somewhere. It is most likely the road to recovery. She has forgiven me but she does not trust me. I do not blame her though. It hurts but I can fix that trust issue.

Lady Tulla has not barked at anyone, mainly Shane and I, for the last two sessions. We got an early break today. Tulla had some emergency thing and she ran off leaving Chris in charge. Who in turn just grinned and took off with Felix yelling that we should relax and they would be back soon. I will not be too surprised if she is the one behind lady Tulla's mysterious emergency.An hour has passed and I am not complaining. It is just like school, once the teacher leaves we all stop doing our work. I am hanging out by the pool with Mark and Shane. My piná colada finishes and I frown.

I dangle the glass in the air. "Mark, refill time."

He rolls his eyes at me muttering something under his breath. I smirk in return it is not my fault he can not win a bet against me. Shane giggles and takes the glass. "I'll get you a Shirley Temple."

"Haha, Vodka on the rocks." If only it were possible. Tulla had all of our faces imprinted on the brains of the entire hotel staff and they were instructed not to give us alcohol. She does not want anyone getting drunk before they should or something like that. She is a damn buzz kill. I might have to walk with my supply to the wedding.

I sigh and lay back on the chair. "This is life."

"So you and Shane, just like old times huh?" Mark nudges me wiggling his eyebrows.

I shake my head. "Not even close."

"You gonna tell her?"

I sigh. "She's married and happy."

"Didn't stop you from locking lips with her."

Nothing in this world could have stopped me. Not even my morals. Wrong or not why would I give up an opportunity like that? "I was caught up in the moment."

"Bro you can't let her go again, you'll lose her for good this time."

He is right. I hope not. I mean how am I supposed to tell her? It's Simple mathematics Jared, just blurt it all out to her. Hey, Shane what's up? By the way, I love you. You are my life. My inspiration to do better. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are all I will ever want. Easy. Not! Nothing is easy with Shane. Getting her to fall for me is not going to be easy. Looking past the fact that she is married and the fact that she has never wanted to be with me that is.


"Jared? Oh, baby hey... I didn't see you there." Comes a loud overexcited voice.

Angelica. It has been weeks since I heard from her. They were very peaceful if I might add. Wait. What is she doing here?

Mark glares at her. "Do you even know what a breakup is?"

She narrows her eyes at him. "Was I speaking to you?"

"Angelica can you just leave."

She pouts at me. "But baby."

Mark throws an ice cube at her. "You look thirsty."

I get up and pull her away from Mark. If she makes any sort of attempt to hit him things were gonna get ugly, for her. I know Mark has gotten better but I can not let anyone do anything to him. One wrong move could put him on a bad path and that is not good.

"Stop with the pet names Angelica. We're done do you understand that?"

She pouts again and starts batting her long eyelashes at me. "I think we've had enough time apart don't you?"

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