Chapter Nineteen- I wanted assurance not a story of my pitiful end

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Chapter nineteen- I wanted assurance not a story of my pitiful end

How to apologize to a person who is a complete jerk? I'd like to vandalize his car saying 'I'm sorry'. That seemed like a perfect idea but I settled for second base. The former had to wait for another time when I found out Tristan's secret. There were two things I was doing with Mission Finding Tristan's Secret. MFTS in short. First was trying to find the secret, of course. And second was taking a chance.

I had tried to ignore my crush on Blaise for past two years. I wanted to take a chance then. Not trying to become his girlfriend but his friend at least. I was not going to give in to any temptations when it came to him. I was going to play hard to get and even win the game because he wasn't going to get me. I will defeat him in his own game. He will fall for me and I will not catch him. I just hope in this stupid game I don't fall in love with him too because there are greater chances of me falling for him than the other way around.

I had to apologize but never waver from my path. I wanted a taste of what it would be like to be friends with Blaise Anderson. I wanted to explore more. And I wanted to find out that secret to keep myself tied to ground and not fly up high in the air with his sweet words.

Right now I have to apologize to him with my sweet words so he forgives me.

"What?" He frowned down at me as I smiled up at him innocently shoving a Tupperware in his hands which he caught with ease. "What is this?"

"A box," I answered. That was easy.

"What's inside this box?" He inquired looking at the top of it. He couldn't see tasty cupcakes lying inside.

"Cupcakes," I answered simply.

His eyes shot up at me with surprise. "Cupcakes?"

"Yes. Cupcakes." I nodded.

"Why are you giving me cupcakes?" He asked cocking his head. A lock from his hair fell on his forehead distracting me.

"To apologize,"

"Apologize? For what?" He seemed confused and amused at same time.

"For being rude yesterday. For ignoring you. I'm really sorry. I'm not going to ignore you." I explained. "But I was angry yesterday after my encounter with her. I didn't mean to lash out on you."

"It's okay. I understand." He nodded. "But don't listen to her or any other girl ever again. I've never been with any girl in my life. They all are liars spreading rumors."

I smiled tightly up at him. Now that is a lie. A handsome boy like him never had any girl in his life. I find that hard to believe. But I was going to believe him, just for pretence.

"I know. I don't usually listen to them but she gets on my nerves easily." I shrugged.

"She gets on my nerves too. If she was not a girl I would have broken her jaw by now." He said with a shudder and it made me laugh. I'd like to do that too.

"So... what you say? Friends?" I asked shoved my hand near to his hand which was still holding the box.

He only had to move his hand a little to hold mine. Tingles shot up my arm from hand at his touch. That sounded so cliché and unbelievable. But I mean his hand felt so good in mine. I didn't feel as repulsed as I felt when Nick had held my hand.

"Hmm..." He hummed in response. I didn't know whether to take it as a 'yes' or a 'no'. I decided to take it yes because that was the answer I was looking for.

"So we are good now?" I asked testing.

"Yeah, we are definitely good." He answered smirking at me. I smiled at him. His eyes were filled with amusement. What is he smiling at? Is he feeling so happy that I came crawling back at him? Well bad boy that's not the case. And you are not going to win whatever game you are playing.

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