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Never relates to the chapter I swear.

It was Parent Teachers Conference Day for Carter and he needed someone to go with him.

"I don't get why the hell I need someone to check my grades!?!I'm old enough this is so stupid!"Carter yelled,eating his cereal.

"Hey its okay.I'll go with you."

"You sure?Don't you have a late shift today?"

I did but that doesn't mean I can't leave for an hour.

"It will be fine.What time?"

"Well they told me 3:05.Will you meet me here or at school?"He asked.

"At school since Im coming from work."

"Wait so you'll be in your police uniform?"He smirked

"Depends if I'm patrolling.Why?"

"You just look really good in it."

I rolled my eyes,a smile playing on my lips.

"Thanks"I sipped my coffee.

"Your welcome babe.I have to go to hell so I'll see you there?"

"Uh huh"

He came over and held me tightly, placing a kiss on my lips.I was ready to pull away but he deepened the kiss and squeezed my ass.

"Carter!"I gave him a look and slapped his arm.

He blushed and bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes,kissing him back on his lips.

"Maybe later we can have some fun."I whispered in his ear.

He grinned and picked up his book bag.

"Defitnetly.You better be early to my meeting"Carter winked and left the house.

Yeah we'll see about that.



I sped down the street going above the miles per hour that was legal.

I promised Carter I would be on time.I need to get there.

Oh no.3:15.I was ten minutes late.Damn I'm a bad girlfriend.

I parked the police car and ran to the front doors.I quickly signed in to the front desk and hurried into he elevator.

Come on.5th floor hurry up.Ugh.


I ran out and quickly made my way to my designated room.

I was faced with a pissed Carter.

"What the fuck?Where have you been?Someone took my time slot now we have to wait."

Oops."Sorry."I shrugged.

"Its too late to say sorry.Come on."He dragged me out the classroom and into a empty one.

"Why were you late?"

"Traffic?"I lied.

"Sure.I believe that.Seriously just be honest with me."

"Fine...I forgot."

"You what!?!This is important! I can't pass this semester without you being here and you forget!!!"He screamed.

I tried to quiet him down but he wasn't catching the hint.

"I am so disappointed in you Yazmin!Why the hell didn't you-"

"Will you shut up?Your getting too loud!"I raised my voice.

"Oh.I get it now.You wanna be in charge?"

"What no.But someone has to tell you when to chill and now is that time."

"Dont tell me to chill"He snapped.

"If there's a problem we can solve it right now"I replied,getting angry.

Carter laughed."Im sorry Yaz."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"I blurted.

Carter picked up a chair and threw it.

"Carter stop!"

"You wanna know what's wrong?I have no one to teach me how to feel!"He picked up another chair and threw it towards the lockers in the room.

"Carter please!Someone is going to come in!"

"Let them!I'm a monster!"Carter kicked down a bookcase.

Oh my Gosh.


Everything happened in slow motion.I ran up to him and jumped landing on top of him.


I didn't move.I couldnt let him.Who knows what else he will destroy?

"Yazmin please "he whimpered.

I looked at his face.He was crying.I wiped the tears away.

"Shhh"I whispered.

"Im a mess.A complete mess.You deserve so much better. So much."He sniffled.

"Carter,I don't understand."

He hugged me,bringing me even closer to his body.

"I need you I need you so much it hurts.You were there when no one else was.When you said you forgot me I just couldn't."He bit his lip as more tears came down.

"I was busy and it slipped from my mind for two seconds.I know its my fault for forgetting.I'm so sorry."

He was fragile.I can't believe I just now realized.He's so broken.Any crack can make it worse.

When Carter has a meltdown like.
Do you think Yaz is supportive of his condition?

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