Whats his secert

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Jae shugs his shoulders and looks at the room number on his papers to begin to search for his room. After asking for directions he open the door after twenty minutes of searching to go inside.

He looks around in shock as his bags drop the floor, his in amazement of how big the room is " there's no way someones room is like this, I must be in the wrong room" as he steps forward, turning in circles the front door opens as po and Zico walk in. Jaes face changes colour a milky shade of white as his terror stuck him with the thought of what will happen next
" hello hyungs " his lips manage to squeeze out gently as his nerves were ruffling in his tummy.

Zico ignores him walking strait past him to jump on top of his bed pulling the pillow onto his face. " just to let you know , we don't want you here , this room is meant to be for us .....and is only going to be for us " po says As he gets close to jae's faces. Jae stood in shock not knowing what to say , standing in a trance until he heard the bathroom door slam. Dragging his suitcase over to the bed that was unmade, he plops it on top of it and takes out his phone to notice a message from his mother that read

Hello my beautiful daughter Jessica, hope you are settling in well to your new all girls school, I miss my baby girl so much. Sending my love from all the family who is missing you so much already xoxo mom

Jae looks at her phone wishing she could tell her mom about the truth were she is. She shrugs off what po said to her and opens her suitcase pulling out her backpack. Fire red two strap with black leather straps, limited edition it was the perfect boys bag.

She sets her books into her bag as she hears Zico get up and calling too po to come out of the bathroom so they could leave.

" I wonder were they are going " Jae thinks to herself as she pulls out her weekly planner that shows all her classes. Looking down the list she looks up today date and noticed that that morning was physical education
" I'm glad I missed that" she chuckles

Looking further on she sees that she was meant to be in music five minutes ago.

She quickly grabs her backpack and runs out of the dorm heading and searching for the music room. After fifteen minutes she finds it and knocks the door and walks in. She excuses herself and explains she is new. The music teacher told her to take the empty seat. She takes a seat at a table that was the table for two beside a cute boy sat beside her with black rimmed glasses but of course behind her was Zico and po.
" Aish look what the cat dragged in " Zico sniggers behind her to then po taking a paper ball and throwing it to the back of her head . The young boy turned around and told them to stop

" ooooohhhhhhhh" they hummed in unison " hey don't mind my friends , I'm Taeil it's nice to meet you"

Jae nearly blushed from his kindness as she opened a new jotter and wrote her fake name .

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