Chapter 22: The Great Debate

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The weirdest thing about having mum and dad in on the secret was how open Jay and I could be around the house. Rather than being restricted to a few cautious caresses and the occasional sneaky kiss now and then, Jay and I could actually hold hands around the house. Well, we tried to tone down the lovey-dovey shit when my dad was around –he was still a touch uncomfortable with the idea of me being gay, never mind Jay being my boyfriend– but it still felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest, like I was breathing properly for the first time.

And in a way, I guess I was.

"Ash, can you please stick a pot of tea on?" mum asked with a taught polite smile. To her credit, she was genuinely trying... it was just still a little awkward. In general, she was coping pretty well, especially considering that she'd not only found out that her son was gay, but had the double whammy of having a gay kid and a gay Godson.

"Sure," I mumbled, dragging myself up from the warm sofa with tremendous effort. Jay let out a small whine of protest as I untangled myself from his limbs, sparking a small flicker of happiness in my chest. "Come on Jay... you can carry the cups or whatever..."

"Ok," he yawned, stretching his arms into a bizarre uncomfortable looking shape. It was ridiculous, but I felt incredibly sappy and squishy as Jay trailed into the kitchen behind me, warm palm in mine. Just as I skirted around the closing door, I caught a hint of a smile present on mum's face.

"This is fucking weird," I mumbled, taking some still warm cups from the dishwasher and shaking the last few beads of water from the rims. Jay, used to my bizarre comments by now, simply laughed.

"Yeah. A bit," he agreed, slinging one wiry arm around my waist. "I could get used to it though," he added, his voice a whisper. And I suddenly felt a flicker of guilt.

"Yeah..." I whispered, nervously running my tongue over my bottom lip. We'd already told Lee and Lewis, my parents and Linda... Really, who else's opinion mattered?

"Listen Jay," I started, but a gentle finger on my lips cut me off.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I've, um... I've got you, so I'm sorted." He managed a small smile and a thin laugh. "Daft, huh?"

"Very," I informed him forlornly. "Disgustingly mushy. Ever so gay."

"Takes one to know one," he smirked, the smug smile unfamiliar on his kindly face. Despite myself, I snickered.

"I'm a bad influence on you! You're not meant to be sarcastic!"

Chuckling softly, Jay leant his chin on my shoulder, his sharp jawline jagging into my shoulder. I squirmed uncomfortably for a second, but eventually relaxed and let out a deep sigh. From it's haughty position on the counter, the kettle began shrieking, the shrill noise commanding us to pour the liquid.

Jay and I exchanged a startled glance for a few seconds, before both breaking out into wide twin smiles.

"Go for it," he offered, waving his hand at the deliciously tempting teapot. I flashed him a grin.

"Damn straight." And I tipped the sizzling kettle bottom up, the sizzling liquid gushing from the tip in a miniature waterfall. I watched it hungrily, my eyes lighting up as the mesh teabags sank lower and lower into the water. Jay and I filled the air with idle chatter as we waiting for the flavour to really seep into the liquid. At last, Jay fished the sodden teabags from the cups and I eagerly added some microwaved milk. Jay rolled his eyes.

"Um, do you ever think your obsession with tea is unhealthy?" he asked tentatively. I shook my head, resolute that no bad could ever come from such a wonderful drink.

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