Chapter - 21

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Hi guys how r u all so I got some request for the story so I thought u not so here it is

A beautiful morning ah what a beauty the rays not missing any area and shinning brightly the birds happily flying away and such a peaceful and quite weather

But not so quit in a certain household

"Dobe come here now" chased a certain raven after a ray of light

"No" he screamed and ran away trying to not get caught by his husbands wrath

"You...come here" he chased and chased the light

"No I know what you will do I'm sorry I did not mean to do that" he cried and ran

"That's for me to decide now get here" the raven finally caught the light

"Ahhhh no" the light screamed as he and the raven fell

The raven saw the light was about to hit the ground so he turned midway to take the hit


They stayed like that for a bit the raven on the floor and the light on his chest no words spoken

When a small voice was heard "I'm sorry"

The light clenched the ravens cloths

The raven sighed and let go of the light the light sat up on the raven chest

"Hey stop with the raven and light it's annoying" said a ticked off sasuke

"Ok fine you don't need to get hyper about it" the author replied "okay on with the story"

Naruto looked at sasuke with a sorry expression

Sasuke sighed and pulled naruto down and kissed his head

"It's all right" sasuke mumbled

They stayed like that for a bit after few moments sasuke moved to get up but small slender arms wrapped around sasuke's neck

"What's wrong" sasuke said as he moved naruto into his lap

Naruto stayed quite but kept on moving a lot

Sasuke got worried "What's wrong naruto"

When sasuke touched narutos hand he was burning up

Sauske pulled naruto away to see his face burning red

"Sasuke it's hot" naruto held onto sasuke's arm

"Let me get a doctor" sasuke was about to get up but naruto stopped him

Naruto rubbed himself against sasuke

When a certain part brushed against sasuke he realised what was happening

He facepalmed (not literally) and sighed

"Naruto do you want to go to our room" sasuke wispered into naruto's ear which send shivers down his spine

Naruto nodded and held onto sasuke

Sasuke picked him bridal style and eneterd the bedroom

He layed naruto down and went to close the doors and window's and lightning the room with candles

He layed naruto down and went to close the doors and window's and lightning the room with candles

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