Part One: Saturday Morning

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Normal pov
It was a normal Saturday morning, well, at least for the normal people with their normal lives. But let's go to the, not so normal lives of four not so normal girls shall we?

Buttercup's pov
"Buttercup! Get up!" I groan at the shouts and demands of my older sister. I mean, we're all quadruplets! It's not like our age is years apart or anything! Why does she get to boss us around? Were literally 3 minutes away from each other! Why isn't anyone pointing that out!? "Buttercup!" "Coming! I'm coming!" I lazily shout back. I love training, but come on! It's Saturday! Can't a girl get some rest? Well, I did say up late watching some one punch man and pewdiepie and GradeAunderA videos, but still! I groan as I hop off my bed, stretching my arms. I drag my feet towards my bathroom and took a quick shower. After that, I brushed my teeth, tied my ebony black hair to a messy ponytail and went to my closet. I pulled out a lime green t- shirt to match with my lime green eyes, some Jean shorts with fur like ends and my regular ol' combat boots. I breathe in as I jog out of my lime green messy room, and slammed my door open. I run towards the stairs and jump on the railing, sliding down on it to make my way to the kitchen.

"Look who it is! Captain hot head!" I hear one of my sisters say. I look over to my youngest sister, Bunny. She had chocolate brown hair and lavender eyes. Her hair was pulled to a side ponytail and she was wearing a purple Hoodie and black leggings or tights with violet sneakers. "And here comes sergeant sarcasm." I reply, waving my hand for effect and went to plop down on my seat beside my eldest sister, Blossom. Reading on the table as usual. The neat freak perfectionist had auburn hair pulled to a French braid that reached her back, rosy pink orbs, and a bossy attitude to match it all up. She wore a pink shirt with a cream colored sweater over it with a hot pink skirt to match. Blossom also had black Mary Jane's with knde high lengthed white socks. I sigh. "Good morning Buttercup!" I heard a cheerful voice chirped. Ah, Bubbles. The happy virus. She had very beautiful golden blonde hair pulled to two low pigtails and pretty sky blue eyes. She wore a sky blue sundress with white frills on the ends and ocean blue ballet flats. She was currently helping mom cook. "Morin' sis." I get back. "So girls, when are you going back home after training?" I heard our father ask, looking away from his newspaper. "We should be back by lunch." Blossom replied, not looking away from her book. Dad smiled and nodded, understanding. "Pancakes anyone?" we heard our mom exclaim, her blue orbs sparkling in happiness. "I do!" me and Bunny say at the same time, raising our hands.

Normal pov
Now that's done, let's take a look at the Jojo Manor.

Butch's pov
"take that idiots!" I exclaim, killing the buttons on my controller. I wouldn't be up this early on a Saturday, but! I would be up early to beat the butts of those noobs in gta. I heard swears of protests in the other end of my razer headphones, but I just smirked at them. I killed one of my friends again who just rage quit. Ha! I love on getting on people's nerves! I look over to my clock, 6:08 am heh, red head must have been up an hour ago, but I was up since three. I know, wierd, but don't judge the awesome me! "gotta go suckers." I say to them, ignoring all the swears and screaming and logged off, removing my forest green headphones and ran my hand across my jet black hair. I swiftly stood up and headed towards the bathroom. I quickly walked towards my bathtub and turned on the hot water, plopping right in once the water level was fair enough.
Ahh, now to sit back and relax......

Boomer's pov
Beep Beep
I groan at my silent alarm and stood up. I looked under my pillow to see my phone and quickly shut the alarm off. Well, before we continue, let me introduce myself and maybe even my brothers.
Hi, I'm Boomer Jojo, second youngest out of the four Jojo brothers. We're all 17 years old and attend a school called Eastwood High. I have a girlfriend named Brat that is a Brat, but I usually ignore that. My eldest brother, Brick, is the brains in our group. He has long fiery red hair that usually is tied to a neat, low ponytail that reaches his lower back and loves wearing his old red baseball cap backwards since we were kids. He also has a girlfriend, like me, her name is Berserk who is cuckoo in the head. Oh, did I mention he has Crimson red eyes? Anyway, the second eldest is Butch, the most violent of us all. He has black hair that's usually spiked up and forest green eyes. He has a love for video games and has a girlfriend named Brute, and also by her name, brutal. The perfect couple. And there's our youngest brother, Bear. He has dark brown hair mostly in a tiny ponytail, and violet eyes. He is like a replica of Butch, but less violent. He also has a girlfriend named Bee, but boy she can sting you if you don't so what that crazy devil says. So, back to the present!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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