Why Me.

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Hello my lovely reader, before you dive head first into some good ass porn. Warning, there is a bit a non consensual element to this. (Meaning rape for all the 12 year olds who shouldn't be reading this) So yeah, noragami. Coolio. Also, this was written over a long period of time, so it's get better at the end. I tried to edit as much as I can, but I'm too lazy to rewrite the whole beginning. Sorry if there's any mistakes

Honestly, I couldn't help it. His hand was right there. I know most of you would've done the same. You're probably confused on what I'm actually talking about, so, let me start from the beginning.

Hiyori is letting Yato and I stay at her apartment until yato gets on his feet. Since we don't want another incident and there's only two rooms in the apartment, I have to sleep in the same room with Yato. Great on my part. So, I stay on one side of the bed and tell Yato to stay on the other side, he abides to this 'rule' I've made for a good amount of time. Until he falls asleep. Then things start to get weird.

  First he starts scooting closer to me, I let that slide because I'm on the edge of the bed and he's still a good distance apart. But then he's full on wrapped around me before I can even comprehend what's happening. Now, I thought I'd just push him off if this happened. But I guess sleep gives you super strength because I could not get him off for the life of me. Now, I'm stuck with Yato basically spooning me and his hand is dangerously close to my -erm. you know. I eventually fell asleep in this uncomfortable state.

  I'm woken up by a strange feeling below my hips. It's warm and wet... Please don't tell me I peed the bed. I look down and see that Yatos hand has found a home in my pants and is currently wrapped around my *ahem*. I start to panic and try to get out of his grip but the more I move the better it feels, the more I want to stay...ah, I need to get out.

"Hm..." I hear Yato hum and I feel his hand moving.

  No no no no no! Please don't be awake! I feel my face heat up and I struggle a bit more to try and release his grip.

"So, Yuki...How do you feel?" I hear Yato whisper in my ear.

  Oh god. A shiver goes down my spine and I grasp on to the sheets next to me.

  "Yato...p-please" his hands speeds up and I can feel myself getting closer. "Ah...Yato!" I involuntarily scream out as I cum.

  As I'm coming down from my high all these thoughts start running through my head. 'Oh god what if hiyori heard me' 'I just screamed Yato's name while orgasming why me' 'what happens now I'm not gonna be able to look Yato in the eye' 'wHOS GONNA CLEAN THE SHEETS CAUSE I SURE AS HELL AINT'

"Yuki. Face me." I shake my head and refuse to look at him.

  I hear him sigh while his grips tightens on me and I'm flipped over so I'm on Yato's lap.

"So, we can do this the hard way or the easy way..." I'm too busy hiding my face in my hands to hear his explanation until it's to late.

My pants are pulled all the way down so everything is exposed and I can only exclaim when something cold is brought to my entrance.

"Yato! What are you do-...!"

He sticks his fingers in and I'm surprised by his roughness. This feels weird...I don't feel right...but...I want to keep going.

"Yato...f-faster" I pant out.

He stops completely and I look at him with glazed eyes. He looks shocked and I figure out I'm gonna have to do this myself. I move my hips on his fingers, I start to lose my myself. Yato wakes me out of my trance by his hands gripping at my sides


  I'm suddenly flipped on my stomach. And yato is behind me.

"W-wait! Yato s-stop!" I pant out but my face is shoved into the pillow.

  "Shut up and stick your hips up. You wouldn't want hiyori to hear you right?" I shake my head into the pillow and keep my hips down.

  I've never heard yato be so...dominating. I'm actually scared to say something back to him... I hear him sigh and my hips are being lifted up by him. No no no no no! I... I don't want this...right? He puts his tip up to my entrance and I'm panicking now. This is gonna hurt, I know it's gonna hurt. He sticks the tip in and I was totally right. It hurts so bad.

"Yato please...!" I choke out. "Shut. Up." He growls.

  I whimper at the pain and decide to keep my mouth shut. He starts to make his way farther into me.

"Oh gods.." I whisper, "I like it when you say my name" Yato jokes at me.

  I'm shaking because him being inside me is just too much. Yato is panting softly and whispers to me

  "you're really tight" i squirm and whine but he keeps inching into me.

  Suddenly, he's all the way in, and he's rubbing against a particular spot I didnt even know I had. I gasp and moan softly at the feeling but the pain takes over after that bit of joy. I'm panting hard and can't even comprehend what's happening around me. So much pain. Mixing with so much pleasure. But the pain is definitely overriding the pleasure. I bite the pillow trying to keep quiet, but it's not helping much. Yato fucks me slowly at first, and right when it starts to actually feel nice, he picks up speed.

"Pl...ease...! S-stop!" I plead once more. He ignores me.

  I don't know what I was expecting. He suddenly stops, and flips me over.

"I want to see your face." He explains quietly.

I don't understand why. I'm sobbing and tears are streaming down my face. He slams into me. I scream out and arch my back. He keeps this roughness up and I can't breathe. I can't. I can't. I can't. I feel myself coming closer to edge despite my thoughts telling me it's so wrong.

"I'm..I'm gonna..!" "No. you're not." 

He grabs me stopping me from Cumming.

"Yato! N-no...!"

My thoughts go blank and I've completely stopped trying to be quiet. I feel the tears stain my cheeks as yato relentlessly rams into my prostate. I'm speaking, I think. I don't know if I'm forming words, but I'm trying. I can't focus, I just want to come. Come. Come. Come. I hear yato say something, but I don't know what it is. All I realize it that he's released me, I can come. I wanna come. Yato makes me look into his eyes.

"come for me" he whispers.

  He slams into me one last time, a euphoric feeling floods me and I see stars. I shake violently through my orgasm, I feel yato fill me up.

  I feel used.

  Here comes the tears.

  Why would he do this? I...he took my virginity. I can't breathe. This can't be happening. why me.


  I'm still sobbing but I look at him. He leans down and kisses me. I don't kiss back. He pulls out and I shiver, I'm unclean. Dirty. An unremovable stain. Why. Why. Why. Why.

  Hiyori ignored me the next day. She wouldn't talk to an unpure soul like me. I'm Yato's toy now. Just his, until he get bored of me.

  I will be unclean, until the day my soul is destroyed.

So, whaddya think? I'm pretty proud of the ending. I just love to break innocent blond characters. Leave your opinion on my story in the comments, and votes are encouraged. Rogue Out.

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