Part 1

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Once Upon A Time there was a beautiful mermaid princess named Savannah who dreamed to live on the land and explore the ocean above. One day while Savannah was sitting on a rock she saw a ship full of animatronic pirates she went to the ship with without them knowing but the captain saw her she turned around to look at him the fox captain saw the mermaid's eyes they were beautiful he melted into her eyes Savannah did the same.
Me: What a beautiful day I wish I could live on the land and sale on ships and go to different lands. ( sees a ship coming closer) Wow a ship I must get a closer look ( swims to the ship )
Captain Foxy: Wow what a beautiful day (hears splashing) what's that hmm probably the wind says Aye ( hears splashing noises again turns around) What in Davey's Jones Locker be that?
Me: Hi I'm Savannah I'm a mermaid princess.
Foxy: Aye be Foxy the pirate fox
Me: Are you a captain?
Foxy: Why yes
Me: Are you a good pirate or a bad pirate
Foxy: Um good and Aye really like yer eyes there arr a very pretty sea blue they sparkle like diamonds.
Me: Thank you and your eyes are a very handsome gold that shines  like the brightest star
to be continued

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