Part 2

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The mermaid Princess and the pirate talked all day until the sun went down it was getting late. Savannah said goodbye to Foxy and swam home.
Me: O I better get home by and my name is Savannah
Foxy: Savannah that be a fine name and goodbye
back at the castle Savannah went to the throne room to say goodnight to her parents and went to her royal chamber and went to bed.
Me: Hi mom Hi dad I went to Crystal Cove today
Mom: O you did find any diamond wolves?
Me: No maybe I'll try again tomorrow, but I still sat on my favorite rock though
Mom: Ok dear now it's bedtime
Me: OK goodnight mom goodnight dad
Mom/ Dad: Goodnight Savannah
time skip at Savannah's royal chamber
Me: ah time for bed ( lays on bed)
While Savannah was asleep she dreamt about Foxy and being a wolf animatronic and living together for eternity
Me: O Foxy I love you kiss me
Foxy: with pleasure ( Kisses Savannah)
The next morning Savannah swam to Crystal Cove to see Captain Foxy luckily his ship was still there and Foxy was standing near the deck waiting for her Savannah was happy to see him.
Me: Foxy good morning
Foxy: Good mornin lass may Aye dive in
Me: sure
Foxy: ( Dives into the water) Bombs away
Me: Foxy you splashed me
Foxy: Aye'm sorry so tell me about yer self
Me: Well I always dreamed of living on the land and sailing on a ship and going different lands and I really love animals I really love to sing and dance and I also dreamed of becoming an animatronic wolf and being a pirate princess.
When Foxy heard those words he had an idea he will make a potion that will do just that so he went back on his ship and went into his potion room he went inside and started work after he finished he went back to the sea where Princess Savannah was waiting he gave her the potion she smiled at him and she drank it after she drank it she began to feel dizzy Foxy held her in his arms lifting her up to the ship he climbed up the ladder while holding her.
Foxy: So ye want to be an animatronic wolf
Me: O yes
Foxy: Well Aye have just the potion fer that wait here
Me: Ok
Time skip after Foxy made the potion and went back into the sea
Foxy: Here ye go lass ( Gives me the potion)
Me: Thanks (takes the potion and drinks it)
Me: O I feel dizzy Foxy I need to lay down
Foxy: Don't worry lass Aye'll take ye to me chamber and lay on me bed.
Me: Ok that would be lovely
Foxy: Ok ( Picks the mermaid princess up and carries her to his chamber)
afew mins later in the captain's chamber Foxy puts the mermaid princess onto his bed he layed beside her and he covered her and himself up.
Foxy: Here we are me chamber ( puts mermaid princess on his bed and yawns) Aye be sleepy too ( lays on his bed covers up the princess and himself)
Me: I love you Foxy ( kisses Foxy on the forehead)
Foxy: Aye love ye to lass
Me: Foxy will I transform when I sleep
Foxy: yes me dear now relax and close yer eyes now
Me: OK ( goes to sleep)
afew mins later Princess Savannah woke up and she saw her new body she was an animatronic wolf with a tail and her fur was all black and her eyes were ice blue. She loved her new form and her ears were pink.
Me: Wow I look pretty awsome
Foxy woke up and saw his mermaid princess she looked beautiful she turned around to see her pirate prince awake.
Foxy: Lass it's that ye
Me: Yes silly Fox
Foxy: Ye look beautiful
Me: why thank you and you are handsome
Foxy: Thank ye and Savannah will ye be me mate
Me: O Foxy yes ( kisses him on the lips)
Foxy: ( Blushes) O Lass Aye love ye ( kisses back)
to be continued

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