The Sexy Begining

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Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez  Maker was in the middle of shooting the last episode of his show. The shapes were all asleep, sound asleep. The camera men left. It was time. He slowly but surely walked into the Shapes night chamber. He was thinking sexy thoughts. The room was dark. Only lot by the sexiest of candle lights. The Shapes awakened. Mr Maker was very very excited. First, he picked out the Rectangle, because he was very long and juicy. The Rectangle was anxious, but had never been so thrilled. Mr Maker started to lick him aggressively and Rectangle let out an extremely loud moan. Mr maker licked too hard and a piece of the rectangle broke away. It had begun. It was too late, he'd already eaten a piece of him, so why not eat the rest? Mister Maker yelled "ooh he tasted of maths. Which sexy shape would be next.Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez

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