~Twenty Six ~

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      "Oh, My, Fucking, GOD! no, No, NO! BILLIE!!!" I jumped off the toilet and onto my feet like the devil was at my door, almost tripping on my underwear while I ran outside, the pee stick still in my hands. I quickly ran into my living room, pulling my panties and pants up. "Billie?" I called out in a frienzie, remembering then that she had left an hour prior to first drop Mrs. Winslet to her little meet up group she had every Wednesday, then head home.

      "This can't fucking be." I stared at the test again, as if  the longer I stared at it, the result would eventually change. No luck. I realized after a moment, frantically scouring for my phone. I hastily ran into my bedroom in search of my phone which I grabbed and dialed Billie's number. "Fuck, FUCK, FUCK!" I cussed while waiting impatiently for Billie to answer the phone.

       "Hey, babe. Miss me already?" She laughed, probably thinking she was so funny. I heard something crash on the floor before Billie cussed in Spanish.

       "I'm fucking pregnant, Billie. PREGNANT! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT!?!" I said and suddenly it hit me. I looked down and realized I was still holding the pregnancy test in hand. Unfortunately, the positive result hadn't changed.

        "Wait, what?"

       "I just took a test." I sat on my bed, my thoughts already going to places it shouldn't. I wasn't expecting it to be positive.

       When I decided to take the pregnancy test this morning, I had been feeling tired as of late and the fact that my period was eight days late had been on my mind, but it wasn't a worry as I'd been over a week late a few times these past months after the miscarriage. 

         How could I have let this happen? How did this even happen? I'd been careful enough. I was also on birth control. How? Now was not the moment for my dumb ass to be pregnant. Frederick was already expecting a baby with Karlie. Plus, he and I weren't together. I hadn't forgiven him for lying to me.

        What I had been doing was keeping my distance and trying to move on without him and the drama that was attached to our relationship, as short as it might have been. Or perhaps, as long as it was.

       "Eva, did I just hear you right? You just took a test?" Billie chuckled over the phone. That brought me back to the conversation.

     "It says I'm pregnant."

     "Fuck, that is incredible news. Now, it's up to you to decide if it's good news or not. I know for a fact Frederick will be thrilled to hear this fantastic news. What you guys were working towards is finally coming to fruition."

         I shook my head, frowning at what she was saying. "Are you crazy? Karlie will kill me when she finds out. I can't be pregnant, Billie. I can't keep this baby. Imagine the drama. Frederick is already having a baby_" Billie cut me off midsentence.

       "What the fuck are you even talking about, Eva?" I sat on my bed, saddened and a little afraid at the thought of what this pregnancy meant in my life. After all that's happened? Did I want to risk myself again? This time around, this was my baby as much as it was Frederick's. Now, I had too much to lose if something was to go south.

       "Wait a minute? I hope you're not thinking about getting rid of the baby? I won't let you do this. I know you're frighten and frazzled right now, but do not start saying shit that you will regret later." She was saying.


       "No, There is absolutely nothing you can say right now over this phone that's going to make a difference." She retorted before she cussed again. "Listen, do you want to grab something to eat? I was making myself something but the cat I'm fostering is getting in everything and making it impossible." I could hear the frustration in her voice. I would have found it funny if my head wasn't occupied by other things.

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