Chapter 24: A Win For Gats

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EndTheCliche drew this epic sketch of Gats! She writes some awesome stuff on her account, most of it adventure and fantasy related. Check it out when you get the chance!

(And if you happen to doodle a few of my chars, feel free to shoot me a pic ;))


I tried to escape this week, I really did. But for a prisoner, my stay has been kind of nice.

My "cell" is a cushy, over-sized room built for a king, and the facility I'm stuck in must be a consulate for villains or something.

Yeah, the cat ears suck, but if I concentrate, I can pin them flat or stop them from swiveling. I never grow a tail, much to my relief.

I have free range of the place, and my voice is back after one horrible day of meowing. Villains seem surprisingly friendly, flocking to hear my purr. Odd, yeah, but I don't turn them away.

If only I weren't away from Hev and Angel. I miss them so much it hurts. I know, I know! They should be the least of my worries, but I guess I care a little too much. It's painful to be away from Angel's chatter and Heaven's crazy ideas. And her smile. And her laugh. And her wrestling shots.

I fiddle with a chess piece and Jacob eyes me as a crowd forms around our table. I grin at the audience, the winning move at my fingertips. "Checkmate."

Jacob groans, pushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. My heart sinks. Anytime Angel's upset, he does the same thing. I bite the inside of my cheek, sheathing and unsheathing my claws. It's Saturday morning...

Did Cat catch him? Will she deliver on her promise? All I can do is wait, and patience isn't one of the virtues I'm lucky enough to have.

People mutter, cooing in delight. I sigh. My 'ears' must've twitched again.

"Good job, kid," Jacob says with a winning grin, "you aren't as bad as I thought you'd be." He shoots a glance at the crowd, and they disperse.

"I've played a match or two in my time." I shrug. My collar itches, the flaps crumpling against my skin. The villain sweeps the chess pieces to the side, the chandelier's glow giving the table a haunting shine.

"You know," he sighs, "I didn't want to do this."

I raise an eyebrow, silently begging him to elaborate. He does.

"Mess with genetics for superpowers. I especially don't want to keep you here, and I'm sure people are worried about you. But you have to see where I'm coming from."

I glare. He's certainly been kind to me, but it still doesn't make much difference. Gilded or not, this cage is still a cage. "I don't. I don't see the point of this genetic engineering stuff in the first place."

He leans his chin on his palms. "At school, do you learn about superpowers?"

I shake my head, too tired to speak. Lately, I've needed more sleep to operate. Twelve hours? Fourteen? I've dropped off in staircases, during meals, even in conversation lulls.

Not that many people talk to me. They either coo or speak extra slowly like my IQ's lower than the number of letters in my nickname, something I don't think is even physically possible.

"Well, they're derived from what you excel at. You need the genetic base, but over time what you do -physically and emotionally- add into your powers. "

So that explains all those word puzzle supers. I nod. "So Cat..."

"Ignited old sparks in people. She took a lot of abuse from the villain community too, it's why she's so strong."

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