Chapter 12

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Evan’s lips were stretched widely, it was ridiculous at how happy he was feeling but he couldn’t help it.

Andrew and he went to the hotel where the older man had a room, he was going to go stay with Evan so he just went to grab his overnight bag and check out of the room.

As Evan patiently waited for Andrew to check out at the front desk, his cell chimed alerting him of a call.

His caller id said it was David, so with a frown edge with confusion he answers the call.

‘’Hello? David? Is everything alright?’’ He couldn’t help but worry, his best friend had a short fused and David seemed to really enjoy fucking with him.

‘’Yeah, yeah everything is cool over here, I was just worried about you, I haven’t heard from you and we knew Andrew was going there and well, how did everything go? Did you take him back?’’ Evan chuckled into the phone as his gaze found Andrew walking towards him.

‘’Yes, he apologized and I took him back, does that make you happy?’’ He tease his newly friend.

‘’Well duh, hey I have a question,’’ David chirps excitedly.

‘’I might have the answer, shoot.’’ Evan pipes in.

‘’What’s Drew’s favorite food, favorite music and favorite color?’’ David questions in a rush, and Evan stops chuckling, he stayed quiet for a few minutes thinking on how to approach this.

‘’David, don’t you think you’re taking the teasing too far?’’ He decided on a direct approach, be honest and direct, David might a friend but Drew was his best friend, and he won’t let anyone fuck with Drew.

They had always been protective with each other, since they were young, Drew would stick up for him back in school when someone would want to bully Evan, and Evan would always try and comfort Drew when his mother wouldn’t pay attention to him.

They were brothers from another mother, they didn’t have to be blood to be brothers, and their bond was strong.

The Switch~ MxMΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα