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"Why are you in such a good mood?" Rhea questioned as her and Kol walked through the quarter— since her near brush with permanent death, she had wanted nothing more than to be alone with Kol, and to get away from all of the drama that the came wit...

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"Why are you in such a good mood?" Rhea questioned as her and Kol walked through the quarter— since her near brush with permanent death, she had wanted nothing more than to be alone with Kol, and to get away from all of the drama that the came with the Mikaelson family.

"Remember earlier, when I lied about Rebekah doing us a solid back in 1914?"



Kol and Rhea had joined the Mikaelson family, including Marcel, on the stairs— preparing for a family photograph. Rhea spotted a witch she had invited to the party, and smiled at the blonde, something made her want to trust the witch— so she did. 

As the photo was taken, Klaus tapped his glass with a knife to get the party's attention.

"Oh here we go." Rhea muttered to Kol, the latter smiling down at his girlfriend in amusement.

"As you know, when the Mikaelson's arrived in Louisiana, we bought with us the tradition of holiday bonfire season. Now, we invite you chosen few to join us in our family's own tradition of writing wishes for each other and burning them for luck. The holidays are a time for family, and friends." Klaus paused, looking to Marcel, "It is especially gratifying when treachery runs deeps." His eyes turned to Rhea and Kol, who looked confused, "To know you can have someone you trust. A toast, to you, my sister." Rebekah smiled to him as the guests toasted the Mikaelson sister.

Kol grabbed Rhea's hand and the two headed up the stairs to try and get away from the Mikaelson brothers, Elijah sped ahead, coming to a stop in front of them. Klaus was also blocking the exit behind them.

Rhea, sensing what they were about to do, held her hand up to Klaus— the latter falling to his knees, clutching his head in agony.

Marcel suddenly appeared, slapping the cursed shackles on the witch, halting all magic within the witch. Rhea looked at Marcel in horror, wondering where on earth he has gotten a pair of them; for her and Kol were essentially the creators of the dark object.

Elijah grabbed Kol by the arms, pulling his jacket off, as Klaus called out to the crowd below.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologise for the disturbance! But what's a Mikaelson party without a little squabble?" He pulled out a silver dagger and without a second thought, stabbed Kol in the heart with— the only sound to be heard was Rhea's shouts of protest, and promises of paying Klaus back one day.


"That bastard kept me in those shackles for a whole month." Rhea said as she recalled the memory, one of many times that Klaus had punished Kol but also, one of the few times he had punished Rhea for her actions.

"We've owed her one for a century, don't you think? Today, I repaid that favour." Rhea looked concerned, "Oh, don't worry, love. I haven't done anything that would hurt her. I didn't exactly prep Angelica Barker either, I prepped someone else."

Rhea looked stunned, "What? Who? Kol, if Klaus finds out, he will kill you— it won't take a mystical dagger to do so this time round, just an ordinary dagger will kill you!" Kol smiled at her words, her worry for his safety making him feel like things may actually be okay between the two of them— that maybe this go round, things would work out.

"Remember when Klaus locked our witch friends in the Dowager Folean cottage?" Rhea rolled her eyes, mumbling, "Your witch friends, I still don't like them."

Chuckling at her comment, Kol continued, "Over the decades it's become quite a catch-all for an assortment of odd birds of the witchy variety. I'm sure Rebekah will be comfortable in a prison created by Klaus."

Rhea stopped walking, looking up at him, "You didn't."

"Oh, I did." He pulled out the large paragon diamond from his pocket, "Besides, with Rebekah missing, Klaus will be occupied so we can finish what we started."

Rhea took the diamond from him, examining it with a small smile upon her face, "You swear she's safe?" There was a double meaning behind her words, she was worried about Rebekah's safety, but her worries for Kol's own safety outweighed that by a tonne, she didn't want him to suffer at the hands of Klaus anymore.

"Rhea, she is perfectly safe." He paused, "Since this has been both the best and worst day of our lives in the past two centuries, I've made a wish for you." He caressed her face with his hand, making her raise a brow.


"Close your eyes."

She did as she was told, and once her eyes were fully closed, Kol leaned down and captured her lips in his own.

Rhea froze for a moment, wondering if this moment was truly happening— she had believed that she would never get a moment like this with Kol again, and those thoughts had consumed her every day that he was gone. Kol wasn't just her boyfriend through those centuries they spent together, he was also her best friend— they laughed together, they plotted together, their relationship was something most people could only wish to have. Yes, Kol had his moments of impulsiveness and yes, he had the occasional blood binge, but Rhea had always been there to pick up the pieces. She was never angry, never judgemental, she simply loved him— in a way that no one else ever would.

Kol pulled away, in fear that Rhea had not wanted that to happen, as she had frozen up— but one heart stopping smile later, Rhea wrapped her arms around his neck, connecting their lips once more.

The kiss was passionate, in every sense of the word— the two of them putting their all into their first kiss in what felt like a lifetime.

Rhea took in every single aspect of the moment, locking it into her memory— the distant sound of drunk tourists littering the streets, the way that Kol's hands had made their way to her waist, the feeling of his soft lips on her own, the distinct smell of his cologne; her senses were in overdrive, working hard to make sure that she would never forget this moment.

And as they stood there, in their own personal bubble, they knew; there would never be another love like theirs.


Short and sweet;
but I was craving some
Kol and Rhea time.
Besides, only took fourteen
chapters for a kiss scene—
my heart is slowly breaking,
I'm currently writing THAT
episode, and I desperately
want to cry.

Until next time,

WAR OF HEARTS ↠ KOL MIKAELSON Where stories live. Discover now