Chapter 16: Khushi

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28th December

Khushi ignored the magazine in her lap in favor of watching Arnav-ji as he worked. They were alone in his house – his family had gone somewhere for the rest of the afternoon – and he'd decided to work in the living room so they could be together. Khushi sat sideways on the couch, her back against the armrest and her feet tucked under his leg for warmth. His fingers traced random patterns on her ankle every now and then.

She realized she could spend all day cataloguing her favorite things about him. His hands, so much bigger than hers, but soft and gentle every time they touched her. His arms, strong and wrapped in muscle, the black shirt he wore doing little to hide their definition. His chest, warm and solid, where she found peace in the strong, steady beat of his heart. His eyes, warm and soft and brown, which blazed with emotion and told her, every day, just how deeply he felt for her. His smile, which appeared more often these days and never failed to inspire an answering smile in her. His rare laughter, rich and sincere, which melted something inside her and made her hungry for him in a way she didn't understand.

Khushi realized she was staring, and that he was watching her just as intently. The space between them suddenly buzzed with electricity. Her hands itched with the need to touch him.

"What are you thinking, right now?" his voice was a low, rough whisper.

She shook her head, but he wasn't in the mood for defiance. Arnav-ji pulled her legs so that she slid into his lap, her arms locking around his neck instinctively.

"Show me."

She fiddled with his collar. When Khushi looked up at him, his expression was encouraging; so full of love that her heart stuttered in response. Her hands shook as she leaned closer.

Khushi, you can do this. He does it to you all the time. Just lean in and ... and ...

The first brush of her lips against his was tentative, barely a whisper of a touch, but his hands still tightened at her waist in response. She was braver the second time. Khushi blushed as a sigh escaped him, and hid herself so he wouldn't see.

Arnav-ji's entire body shook as he laughed.

. . . . . . .

29th December

"What the hell was that out there?"

Khushi calmly placed the cup of tea on the table before turning to face Arnav-ji. He'd been pacing the length of the pool but now he stood still, waiting for her answer.

"What did I do?"

"What were you doing with that stupid NK? He was holding your hand, Khushi. He was flirting with you, and I didn't see you object."

Khushi looked up at him. His eyes blazed, his fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly. She smiled.

"Are you jealous?"

In two seconds he was towering over her, standing so close that her breath stalled.

"Stop smiling," he growled, "this is not funny."

Khushi's smile faded away as she took him in, only now realizing the depth of his rage. He looked undone, as if he was barely holding himself back from marching downstairs and taking out his anger on Nanhe-ji. She reached up and held his face between her hands, hoping to calm him.

"Arnav-ji, we were just shaking hands and talking. He's your brother and he's visiting for the wedding. We're just being nice to each other."

"That wasn't 'being nice'. He was touching you, Khushi. You might be treating him as my brother, but that's not what he's seeing."

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