Chapter 10

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It was the morning.

I could see the dark bags that lay underneath my eyes, reminding me of the restless sleep I had endured. 

This was all my fault. 

I had tried to tell Liam the truth when we returned to his house, but he simply told me that he had to make arrangements for the fight, and left me alone.

I had tried again, knocking on his office door a few hours later, but he told me to go to sleep, claiming that I would need it. 

I truly couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe how incredibly selfish I had been. Why had I told him that?

The worst part of this was that I knew I would be sentenced to watch the fight. To see innocent wolves die because of what I had done. 

This wasn't right. 

I had been tossing and turning all night. I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to watch the nightmares that were bound to happen. 

Liam was in his office, going over last minute plans for the attack. 

It was all happening so soon. Why couldn't I have more time? 

It was 6am, and he had told the pack we'd be leaving at 7. No doubt he would arrive at the meeting place early. 

It seems I was right, I knew he wouldn't stay in the house for long. The wolves fighting would stop to hunt on the way there. 

It wasn't long before I heard him leaving his office. I hurried to intercept him, and found him in the living room, his eyes gently glazed over as though he were talking to someone through the mind link. 

I was glad to catch him before he left. I had to try, one last time, to tell him the truth. At the very least I needed to see him before he went off to fight... what if he didn't return?

Fear shook through me but I tried my best to ignore it. He was a capable fighter, if he wasn't he wouldn't be an alpha. 

"Liam?" I caught his attention, his eyes went back to normal and he turned to face me, his features softening, presumably at the terrified expression on my face. 

"Yes, Charlotte?" He asked, a polite tone to his voice. 

"I-" am a liar. That's what I wanted to say, but for some reason I couldn't force out the words. You shouldn't go to fight because I made it up. Because I'm an awful person.

"You don't need to worry, Charlotte." He broke the silence. The way he said my name sent soft tingles down my spine. "We have good fighters. We will be okay."

This is stupid, there's no reason to fight.

"You'll stay here with the pups, and when we come back that disgusting alpha will have been dealt with." He spoke confidently. 

I knew that my previous alpha had not been the best, but for the most part, he had done nothing wrong. What he had done was punish me for something I couldn't help. But that didn't mean I didn't deserve it.

I had half-hoped the beatings would stop me seeing the visions, but they hadn't. 

"Charlotte?" He asked, concerned, when I had yet to speak. 

"Please don't go! Don't fight, it isn't worth it, really!" I pleaded, finally able to find my voice.

His eyes darkened at my words, "He beat you because you refused to mate with him." He snarled, "That is unforgivable, and you will not convince me otherwise."

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