Chapter 5

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"Day five," Hannah said, amused. "How will things change today?"

"Probably more guys pointlessly flirting with me," I sighed heavily. "The annoying usual."

"And every girls dream."

"That's a horrible dream."

Hannah and I reached the cafeteria and immediately, the place went quiet. Everyone's eyes were on me and I blinked, surprised by this turn of events. I seriously thought things wouldn't have changed that much.

Taking a deep breath in, I walked over to our usual lunch table. All eyes stayed glued to me and I forced myself to ignore everyone. I knew they wanted a reaction and I would never give them one.

Once Hannah and I were seated at the table, she whispered, "What the hell is going on?"

Her eyes darted around the cafeteria and she paled. I didn't blame her because it was eerily quiet and all eyes were on me, who sat next to her. Even though I wasn't the type of person to care about others, I felt uneasy.

"Ignore them," I whispered back, pulling out my lunch. "They're just trying to break me. It's been five days and they're probably getting anxious."

"Thank god tomorrow is the weekend," she mumbled. "This seriously creeps me out."

I took a bite out of my burger and nodded. Having fifty pairs of eyes on you was definitely uncomfortable. Especially when none of the owners spoke.

Hannah and I ate our lunches quietly, unable to speak with an audience. We kept our heads down and hoped everyone would stop, but they didn't. Even when twenty minutes passed by slowly. I was slowly losing my patience.

"I swear to god," I hissed to Hannah. "If they don't stop staring at me I'll snap."

"Breathe Zoey," Hannah whispered urgently. "I have no idea what they have planned for you and I'm worried."

"I'm not and I want to find out."

Hannah's eyes went wide as I stood up. Her jaw dropped as I climbed on top of the table, glaring at everyone who stared at me. They simply stared back and my patience snapped like a twig.

"What do you want!" I snapped, causing a few eyes to widen.

"Oh god," Hannah whispered, and I watched her put her hands together in the form of a prayer.

Classic Hannah. She was always worried about me and my big mouth.

"What we want blondie is to know when you're going to pass the kiss," a girl said, narrowing her eyes at me. "It's been five days and no one knows who you plan to kiss."

A few people shouted in agreement and I rolled my eyes. It was time for them to realize what would happen from here on out.

"That's because I won't be passing the kiss to anyone!" I shouted, earning a few gasps from the crowd. "There's no one I'll be kissing!"

Jaws dropped and eyes widened, and below me Hannah grumbled about how I was about to ruin my life. I ignored her and stood with triumph. Now that how I felt was out, I hoped everyone would leave me alone.

"You... You can't be serious!" the same girl exclaimed. "You're going to ruin the game!"

"I don't care." I shrugged casually. "It was a stupid game to begin with."

The surprise looks suddenly turned to annoyed ones. Hannah began to speak a prayer out loud and for the first time, I wondered if maybe I was pushing a limit that shouldn't be pushed.

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