Chapter One

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                I woke up in the hospital. I noticed my dad talking to the doctor at the door. “She’s awake!” Dallas yelled to my father. “How you doin’ sis?” he smiled. Dallas was my older brother, 5 years older actually. We were really close and other than the normal sibling fighting, we got along really well.  The doctor walked over and my dad followed him to my bedside. “You have been in a coma for the past 2 weeks; you had very little brain damage which is very good and surprisingly, the only other injury to your body is a sprained wrist” I quickly lifted my right arm to see a thin brown wrap over my wrist. “It’s not too severe but try not to put too much pressure on your right arm for a couple weeks.” The doctor finished. I nodded and he left the room.

                “Well that’s gonna put a damper on my training for regional’s” I mentioned. Dallas looked away for a moment. What was he hiding? Then I remembered the accident. “Dad? What happened to Lucky? He’s okay right!” I asked. He glanced down at his hand playing with his fingers. “We need to talk about that Carter.” He frowned.

                 Lucky couldn’t be dead! We rescued him when he was only 5 months old. I could still remember the day he showed up at our ranch coated in lice and he was so skinny I was surprised his bones didn’t crumble underneath him. When the SPCA officer mentioned that he was abandoned in a stall for more than a week with no food or water, I instantly fell in love with that horse. He was a fighter, he was strong, and from then on I knew that he was going to be mine. I spent months feeding him, caring for him and de-liceing him. After a few years of training, we instantly became top of the gaming charts in our township, then southern Alberta and before the accident we were training to compete for top youth in our whole province.

                “So he’s” I paused for a moment. “Dead?”  Thankfully my dad finished my sentence for me because I don’t think I would have been able to. “No not yet, but he’s in a lot of pain and the vet says it’s very unlikely for his bone to heal after that run.”  

*To be continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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