Chapter 23

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When Riley reached Quantico and walked into the Behavioral Analysis Unit, both the chief and Bill were waiting for her in Walder's office. She realized that Bill must have been called in especially for this meeting.

Special Agent in Charge Carl Walder rose from his desk.

"The Senator's lapdog?" Walder said, his babyish face knotted with anger.

Riley lowered her eyes. She really had gone too far with that remark.

"I'm sorry, sir," she said.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, Agent Paige," Walder said. "You've completely gone off the rails. What were you thinking, going to the Senator's house to confront him like that? Do you have any idea the damage you've done?"

By "damage," Riley was sure that Walder meant his own personal embarrassment. She couldn't get very worried about that.

"Have you found Cindy McKinnon yet?" she asked in a low voice.

"No, as a matter of fact, we haven't," Walder said sharply. "And frankly, you're not helping us find her."

Riley was stung.

"I'm not helping?" she replied. "Sir, I keep telling you, you're charging the wrong man, and you're looking in the wrong—"

Riley stopped herself in mid-sentence

Cindy MacKinnon was what mattered right now, not Riley's ongoing battles with Walder. This was no time for petty squabbling. When she spoke again, it was in a milder tone.

"Sir, even though I feel he may be withholding something, I may have been wrong to unilaterally go and see the Senator without checking with you, and I apologize. But forget about me for a moment. That poor woman's been missing for well over twenty-four hours. What if I'm right, and someone else is holding her captive? What's she going through right now? How long has she got?"

His voice cautious, Bill added, "We've got to consider the possibility, sir."

Walder sat down and said nothing for a moment. Riley could see by his expression that he, too, was concerned about the possibility. Then he spoke very slowly, giving weight to each word.

"The Bureau will handle it."

Riley didn't know what to say. She didn't even quite understand what Walder meant. Was he acknowledging his possible mistake? Or was he still determined not to veer from his present course?

"Sit down, Agent Paige," Walder said.

Riley sat in the chair next to Bill, who glanced at her with mounting concern.

Walder said, "I heard about what happened with your friend today, Riley."

Riley was jolted a little. She wasn't surprised that Walder knew about Marie's death. After all, word that she'd been first on the scene was sure to make its way back to the Bureau. But why was he bringing it up now? Did she detect a note of sympathy in his voice?

"What happened?" Walder asked. "Why did she do it?"

"She couldn't deal with it anymore," Riley said in a whisper.

"Couldn't deal with what?" Walder asked.

A silence fell. Riley couldn't shape an answer to that question.

"I've heard you don't think Peterson is dead," Walder said. "I guess I can understand why you can't shake that idea. But you've got to know that it doesn't make sense."

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