Chapter 21: Pride & Prejudice

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Yes this chapter is a filler

Sorry its wompy.

I'll fix it or whatever sooner or later

But here's a chapter! With some Peter in it!


"Sometimes growth is slow."-me

Korali's Pov.

It had been a month since Jordan and I had officially mated and to be honest it was better than I expected. Of course Jordan had his moments of being a complete asshole but that was part of his personality. But I had put him in his place sometimes.

Since then Jordan's mom had turned up two places, showing herself to the pack with ominous messages of her returning. Again she left riddles after letting a few pack members see her, leaving chaos and screams.

One poem of some sort that she left, let us know that we had time till her attack.

Once upon, in 11 months or so

I will transcend and wrath will blind

Taking what I need and go

The key will unlock the better design.

We had eleven months till what exactly, I didn't know and that bothered Jordan a lot; especially because she said once that I was the key. He was pretty restless and jittery at all times. He was constantly in the office sweating over documents and routes and maps. I could get him to calm down for a couple of hours a day only for him to worry about it again. I was shocked that his hair wasn't turning gray early. Like now we were in his office Cailo, Kaliko, Max and I waiting for him to show us the actual poem/note.

Jordan started emptying his pockets trying to locate it. He pulled out a wallet, loose bills, and condoms.

"Well, that's a lot of condoms." Max couldn't help but note, his eyebrows raised and trying to keep a grin off his face.

Jordan's face was inflamed and I tried to edge myself out the room but one loose floorboard and all the attention moved to me.

"Okay ew." Kaliko noted. "I mean I figured but that many I mean come on."

I let out a breath and decided to be candid. I peered over the table and roughly estimated. "That seems like a normal day's worth, wouldn't you say, Jordan?" His throat was still red and a small smirk played at his rights side of his mouth and he nodded.

"Whoa. Lucky for the condoms or Kore you'd be knocked up by now." Kaliko laughed not understanding what anxiety she would bring upon Jordan. Max's eyes went into distress knowing Jordan's issue with that.

Looks like I wasn't getting any tonight, I thought bitterly. Whenever Jordan got worked up about babies it masks his mood and libido too.

"I, for one am hungry, but after that pleasant conversation reminding me of my chastity, I think now I'm just uncomfortable."

"Oh so you and Cailo are virgins too?" I asked for affirmation.

"Yeah," Cailo grumbled rolling his eyes.

"That's really attractive," Kaliko pitched in with a face that read 'It'll pay off in the long run'.

"Yeah but its not fun."

Jordan eyes looked down at the condoms and then up at me. I bit my lip as seductively as I could manage and shifted slightly in my spot. He turned to Cailo, Kaliko, and Max solemnly and in a calm voice said "Get the fuck out."

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