ACT I - Solar System

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Welcome to "If Asteroids Had Feelings", the book series where the smallest things, such as comets and asteroids (in the name) to huge creations of space and maybe even time like galaxies and even the universe will be brought to realism. I'm Quinn, but you can call me by my Wattpad persona (@firebomba). As it says on the title screen, the first of several acts (no idea how long this will be, no knowledge of how long it will be 😖) will be close to home in our solar system. The act will include (in no order necessarily):

The Sun

First off, as this the beginning of this most likely long tale, I would like to clear up a couple things for this act, as well as the whole story in general.

1.) I will most likely never go in the order that I put in them in.
You see that little list I have up there for Act 1? Most likely not gonna follow it. Any list in general? Nada. I'll even tell that I'm planning to do one of them first up there, and it's not the Sun. (Hint: It's a little closer to home ;D)

2.) Pluto WILL be on Act 1.
"But it isn't even a planet!?!" It was ten years ago, however, so it earns a spot on Act 1 for that reason. Also, I want to give it a legit visit, unlike NASA who had the wonderful idea to send a camera over to investigate the poor dwarf planet, like the sneaky spies they are. (Nothing against them, but still.)

3.) Expect non-scheduled posting of chapters.
I know, I know, that's what all the experienced writers do, very fancy indeed, but thanks to something called 'Busy Life Syndrome', I cannot do it easily. I'm a bright mind, so I'll be going into HS with all the fun and challenging courses like my first AP class (yay), Spanish 3, Algebra 2, and Marching Band. Not to mention currently, I'm utter crap at organization and/or memory, so when I do decide to do a schedule, I won't be having to look through comments of everyone, wondering if I'm dead.

4.) MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: This is based on real facts.
Expecting to see a book where random characteristics are thrown all over everything? NOPE. This will be based on real facts that I research while making the book at the same time, meaning outside sources will be used other than my left brain lobes. If the internet decides to be a Naughty Nelly and lie to me, be sure to let me know, as I'd to misinform readers about anything (even in the humor genre).
(Picture Above: Screenshot of the Cover's Background I took, all nice and cropped too. TY Google ❤️)

Act 1.1 up next!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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