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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Dipper stared at her sister for awhile to take in her more grown up appearance. She had gotten taller, but he was still a few inches taller than her now. Her long brown hair had been braided and made it look even longer. Mabel's fashion sense didn't seem to have changed either which he was kinda happy about. "Mabel, is that you?"

She nodded happily and rushed over to her brother to hug him tightly. "Gosh Dipper I was so worried about you when you went through that portal. We tried to get the portal working to get you back, but it wouldn't start up again!" Small crocodile tears at the corners of her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. "I'm so glad your back safe and sound. I missed you bro bro."

Dipper smiled comfortingly and hugged his twin back. "I'm home Mabel." Giving them a moment to be happy to be back in each other's presence. "What happened here anyways Mabel? When I came back, I saw all this weirdness roaming about outside."

Mabel sighed after wooing away her tears and made a 'follow me' motion with her hand which he did. "After you went through the portal, we tried really hard to get you back as soon as possible. Sadly all the results that Grunkle Ford got were negative to retrieve you. The portal wouldn't work anymore for us to get you back." She explained to her brother as they got to the vending machine. Mabel inputs the numbers and the passageway was open for them. They went inside and closed the door behind them. Walked down stairs and taking the elevator down. "Eventually I was so afraid that I would be leaving Gravity Falls without you bro bro. I did a stupid thing and made a deal with Bill a few days after your disappearance. I gave him something that would open a rip in the sky that he used to cause all this madness, and he put me in a bubble that gave me an illusional world where everything was right and summer was eternal. Thankfully, Grunckle Ford, Grunkle Stan, Soos, and Wendy came to my rescue and got me out of there. It's all my fault Dip."

Dipper patted her on the back and gave her a smile. "It's okay Mabel, to be honest it was my fault in the first place, I should be the one who is sorry here."

"But Dipper-"

"Not another word Mabes, it's my fault and that's final. I was the one who went into the lab after the incident to go get my journal. So it's not your fault." Mabel really did believe her brother changed during those last two years somewhere through the portal. She had the proof right in front of her.

As the door opened, Dipper found himself amazed by what the basement had changed into. It had become a refuge shelter and rebel base. He recognized most people while other didn't seem to rack his brain. "Wow." He breathed out.

Mabel giggled and pulled her twin over to recognized group. "Guys!!! Look who I found upstairs!"

The turned to face them and some of them developed teary eyes.

"Dude it's you!" Soos ran up to Dipper and gave him a big strong hug.

Wendy came over and messed up Dipper's hair with a grin. "Welcome back man! We were so worried about you when they told us what happened. Man look at you, you've grown so tall!" She says comparing their heights, he was like an inch shorter than her, but he was still taller than Wendy back when she was still 15 years old.

Pacifica, Mabel, Grenda, Candy, and surprisingly Gideon gave him a group hug once he was set back on the floor.

Stan and Ford were so glad to see him too. Back home safe and sound.

"It is good to be back home."

+Reverse Falls: Gleeful Home+

Morning came around in Reverse Falls.

Reverse Love [Dipcest] +Discontinued+Where stories live. Discover now