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"I was thinking, I have a break now, do you want to hang out?"

"I guess so"

"I thought so"

"Can you not have that creepy smirk on your face?"

"Oh please! You know this smirk is sexy!"

"Ah nope!"

"Don't deny it! I'll be right back, oh but do you want a caramel apple?"

"Well that's what I came for."

"Mmhmm, sure honey, sure."

"Just go."

3 minutes later

"Okay, here. Let's go!"

1 hour later

"So your going back to your city in a few days?"

"Yeah but, I sometimes come here to visit my cousins so don't worry, babe!"

"Oh I'm actually happy your leaving"

"Didn't sound like it. Don't deny it, your gonna miss my hotness."

"Hotness? I don't see any."

"Ahuh..So are you single?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"No seriously."

"Yeah, I've always been."

"So like, you've never dated anyone?"

"Nope, never."

"Guys must be stupid cause your really pretty."


"No problem."

"Well um, I have a question though, have you ever dated anyone?"

"Yes. Twice but, they both cheated on me."

"Oh sorry. That must suck."

"It's alright. Ever since my last girlfriend two years ago, I've been kind of a flirt with girls but, haven't dated any."


"But, don't worry, I've stopped flirting with other girls ever since I meet you."


"Daniella? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I'm just wondering, why did you flirt with a bunch of girls but, didn't date any, after you broke up with your last girlfriend?"

"Well because, It felt great being loved, I guess. Many girls that I flirted with feel for me but, I always rejected them and stopped talking to them once they asked me out."

"You do realize that you probably broke their hearts?"

"I know, I've been starting to realize that. It's just that I rejected them because, I was afraid to get my heart broken again."

"Did you fall for any that you flirted with?"

"Yes, a few times but, I resisted the urge to date them. I just continued to flirt with more girls."


"I flirted because I didn't really feel loved. My mom left me to my grandparents when I was young and well, my dad is in prison."

"I'm sorry, that must be tough."

"It is and I do love my grandparents, a lot but, I wish to have parents to live with. My grandparents are there for me and I appreciate it but they often sleep or go to work. I just wish to be loved I guess."


"That's simply why I flirted and stuff. My past girlfriends cheating on me and well, not having parents with me. I sorta felt loved and happy I guess."

Daniella kisses Manny and she doesn't really know why.



"Uh um Daniella, I need to go back to work."

"Oh well um, bye."

They hug and feel many mixed Emotions.

"Well, bye honey apple!"

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